Chapter 31

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Gah gah gahh I got my writing test scores back and I mean obviously I met 'cause I'm some Advanced smart kid classes AP and that crap but I just BARELY exceeded and it makes me really upset and sad because I don't even know. I feel like my parents are going to be disapointed when I tell them soo..........GRRRR

I glare at Niall through half closed eyes as he continues to strum my old guitar loudly. It's as if he wants me to murder him. "C'mon Court, don't give me that look." His Irish accent slurs the words and I huff out a sigh, shifting so I'm propped up sitting against Liam. He looks down at me with bright eyes and I wonder how I'm the only one crashing and burning when we'd all been up for about the same amount of time. I mean, for pete sake there was only an hour left of Christmas and here they were trying to keep me up for it!

"Sing something or hand the blasted thing over." I grunt, getting ran over by little puppy feet as Jeff runs back and forth between Harry and Lou, playing some sort of game. Niall happily obliges and I begin to play random chords, trying to pull together the right notes and rhythms. I smile up at the blonde haired superstar once I've got the song ready and he pulls Emily into his lap before starting.

"I've been trying to do it right

 I've been living a lonely life

 I've been sleeping here instead

 I've been sleeping in my bed,

 I've been sleeping in my bed"

The rest of the group perks up at the familar lyrics and start chanting the hey's and ho's suprisingly in time. I glance up from where I'd been staring down at my fumbling hands as Harry takes the next verse.

"So show me family

 All the blood that I would bleed

 I don't know where I belong

I don't know where I went wrong

 But I can write a song"

I echo with the hey's and ho's knowing exactly which verse I want to take. I have to scowl to keep from staring as Hazza's raspy voice attempts to mezmorize me. Zayn and Louis start to harmonize in chorus and I try not to lose my steady strumming.

"1, 2, 3

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart"

Louis makes weird but cute faces at Eleanor the whole time and I have supress giggles myself as she squeezes his face goodheartedly.

"I don't think you're right for him

 Look at what it might have been if you

 Took a bus to China Town

 I'd be standing on Canal

 And Bowery

 And she'd be standing next to me"

Liam's beautiful voice fills my ears and I loose myself easily in the soft song. Trying to clear my mind, I swallow in preparation for my stanza. The boys continue the chorus with their angelic voice before I come in.

"Love ‒ we need it now

Let's hope for some

So, we're bleeding out

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet"

My eyebrows furrow as no one joins in with me and I'm forced to sing the last chorus alone as they all just chant in the back ground.

"Way to bail guys." I scorn, setting the guitar on the table so I can hold Jeffrey. He'd have sung it with me if he could. Right Jeffy? I look down at him, expecting him to read my thoughts for a minute before feeling like an idiot.

"You're voice just had us to hypnotized-we couldn't." Harry shrugs innocently and I roll my eyes. That kids a wreck. Oh wait no, I'm that'd be me.

"That's it-bedtime!" My annoyance covers the sleepiness trying to sneak into my voice. I get a lot of complaints in response as I shift into the coach, hoping to find a cozy sleeping slot. "Well what the hell are we even sposed to do it's flajibberin' midnight basically."

"Haha flajibberin...!" They all murmer to eachother through laughter at my lovely word choice.

"NERF WAR!" Zayn squeals, practically making my eardrums burst as him and Louis begin happy dancing at the thought. My eyebrows draw even closer together and I rub my forehead, wondering if it was possible for for eyebrows to just fall off. Yeah guys, I'm thatt tired.

"I'll be reff. thenn.." I roll, searching for complete comfort as Jeffrey jumps from my arms. Liam shifts so my heads on his lap. I keep my breathing even while my heart does it's normal gymnastics routine. 

"Count me out too. That way the teams are even." It takes me a minute to realize Liam must've done the math wrong but then I realize Lauren's zonked out on the floor. She looks pretty comfy. I wonder if it's pretty comfy...?? I remember in exactly whose lap my head sits though and think better of it.

Harry shifts awkwardly by my feet but is back to normal as soon as they start choosing teams. Louis, Em, and Harry Vs. Niall, Zayn, and Eleanor. I deem the teams fair with a sluggish thumbs up and they head off to gather gear.

"Just go to sleep love, I've got it." The soft coo of Liam's voice in my ear is the last thing I hear before I slip into a deep sleep. I want to stay awake, just for a little bit longer so I can feel his skin on mine as he brushes all the crazy hairs off my face. 

The players screams and shouts penetrate into my dreams but only vaguely. My minds too busy trying to pull back Li's honey dipped voice to really make any sense of anything though.

 FILLER chapter because well I have a couple suprises coming up and I'm ready to DIEEEE of sleep deprivation but ya know whattt?!?! I don't even know and I had to go to party today and laser tagging and now I'm pretty sure I smell like BO cause believe it or not that shit is like a real hard workout!! I mean you're prancing around shooting like it's frickin' zumba!?!!

Gahh as you can tell I'm in a weird/awkard mode soo.....SORRY!

GO CHECK OUT MY OTHA BOOK I CAN'T!!! Seriously though it's only 2 chapters in so far but I have 2 more typed up and I don't know I just need feedback maybe..PLUSSSS it's my birthday is like 4 days 3 maybe (I don't even know I'm that out of it I don't know the date but it's the 27th!)

Soo just VOTEE, comment :) because I like reading em and I pretty much always respond if I see it, sleep tightt, and try laser tagging in a bouncy house cause I think that'd be pretty funny...

Xx Oliviaaa :)

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