Wroetosdmn - Wrong Gang

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This has been edited as I didn't like some of the words etc and I think it works a lot better now.


I was walking towards my gang, the Eboys, hideout.

Quickly I glanced around to make sure no one was following me or around. No one was there, mainly because it was nearly midnight. The only sign of life was a random owl hooting in the distance.

Quietly I pulled a door open. The door was heavy and made of metal.

The Eboy's hideout was in the back of an alleyway.

It wasn't an overly huge hideout, there were only about 11 gang members. 10 guys and 1 chick.

George was our leader, he always had a mask on.

Always covering his identity. Not even we, gang members, knew what he actually looked like.

"You never know", George told us once when Will asked him why George always had a mask on.

I didn't exactly feel a connection towards anyone in the gang, just an easy way to make money. The Eboys weren't good people either, many of the members have raped, tortured and murdered innocent people in the past. I hear a lot of the members bragging about who they've hurt. They weren't always like this but something snapped about a year ago. I would leave but George threatened us that if we were to ever leave the gang he'd hunt us down.

They also didn't even treat me very well. They teased me quite often and pushed me around. I think it's because I'm quite young.

I accidentally stumbled across one of their heists, I pretty much got caught in the crossfire when I was walking home from school. I used the alleyway that they were in to get home faster.

It was a weird time of day to be busting another gang for money and drugs, it was still rush hour.

I had walked right into the middle of the fight, I had my earphones in with music playing and I wasn't paying attention.

Someone from the other gang accidentally shot me in the leg.

I dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and people were still shooting at each other.

Someone grabbed me from under my armpits and dragged me away from the horrible scene.

A puddle of blood was left behind.

My head spun as I was dragged behind a wall.

"Stay with me buddy", the person told me.

I let out a whimper, it hurt a lot. The bullet had hit me in my thigh but it wasn't too deep luckily.

Another guy dropped to my side. He was wearing a white mask.

"How's it looking, James?" The masked guy asked.

James, the guy who originally helped me, looked up from studying my leg.

"It's not deep, so I think he'll be alright boss. What should we do with him?" James responded.

"Well we can't leave him can we?" The masked guy responded.

James nodded.

"How would you like to join a gang, kid?"


That was about 2 years ago.

I was 15 when I agreed to join a gang. Was it a good idea? Probably not but it meant protection against certain people and money. Lots of money.

Now I'm 17 and Will Lenny was blowing smoke into my face caused by the cig in his hands.

"Really Will?" I said to him.

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