KSimon - Subject 12

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Simon's POV


I sobbed into my hands as half a dozen men broke down the door that had kept me hidden for years. The men held big, metal electric guns and the men looked like ghosts.

"No, please", I whisper. Two men stepped forward and pinned me to the ground. I screamed as I thrashed around and a pair of handcuffs went around my wrists. 

"You got him?" A voice said through a radio.

"Yes", a robotic voice replied. 

"Ok, bring him in", the voice commanded.

The two men injected me with something. I felt myself being picked up as I black out.

*Flashback over*

That flashback was from exactly two years ago on my birthday and now I'm a lab rat.

They jab me with adrenaline and I scream because they tie me to a table and I can't get rid of the energy. If I don't cry, I get tazed and I screech anyway. 

My name's Simon by the way, or Subject 12. They mainly call me 12. At night, I rest on a concrete floor and sob myself to sleep and then during the day I spend it screaming my head off. This screaming helps power some city somewhere. Today was like no other, the same person came and fed me cold, gluggy porridge. I was given a few minutes to eat it but what wasn't eaten was left there. Then I was dragged through the halls. Once I was in the lab room, I was strapped to the table. Every movable part belted down. A mask went down my throat to collect all the energy and a needle full of adrenaline would be inserted in my bloodstream, and you guessed it, I scream. Halfway through my screaming, the guy who runs this is Dr Bullam. Dr Bullam came in with a boy, the boy looked exactly like Dr Bullam except younger.I couldn't hear what was being said but I could tell who they were talking about. Me. Finally, I stopped screaming. As usual, the tears streamed down my face, throat sore.

"Get 12 up", Dr Bullam ordered. 

The scientists then set to work untying me. I was tired after all the screaming. My eyes shut. Wrong move. I was electrocuted but I was awake.

"I want Olajide to learn what we do here and what we do to 12", Dr Bullam said.

"Dad! My name's JJ", the boy shouted.

Dr Bullam ignored JJ. I went to stand but Dr Bullam pinned me to the table and punched me.

"Dad!" JJ roared as blood ran down the back of my throat.

Dr Bullam replied, "I'm showing you how we deal with these Subjects who's boss. 12 happens to be the unlucky one".

"I don't want to learn. I don't want to be like you", JJ sobbed, "Not after when I've seen what you do to them".

"Olajide, out! I'll take 12 back to its cell", Dr Bullam said angrily.

JJ walked out as Dr Bullam grabbed my hair. I yelped and I earned a slap in return. I twisted around in pain as I was dragged back through the halls. We arrived back at my cell and I was thrown in. Dr Bullam kicked me in the ribs a few times until I groan in pain.

"That's what you get bitch", Dr Bullam whispered in my ear.

I nod as I cough up blood all over Dr Bullam's white shoes. He kicked me again as punishment.

I curl up in a ball and I cry, I cry until my eyes are sore and I can't cry anymore. 

Eventually, I fell asleep with the taste of blood on the back of my throat. A rattling noise woke me but I was too afraid to open my eyes in case it was Dr Bullam back to beat me up.

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