Ksimon - Baby Simon

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 ksimon_sidemen requested this so shout out to them. I hope you liked it, sorry it wasn't as long as the wroetobehz one that I wrote.

Also apologies for the same shit ending.



I was midway through editing my last video when I heard the crash and the sob that followed suit of my best friend.

"Simon?" I shouted.

I quickly stood from my desk and made my way to the kitchen. Simon stood with his back facing me.

"Si? You alright?" I said calmly.

Simon turned his head. His blue eyes were filled with pained tears. He was chewing gently on his thumb. Simon's other blood-covered hand pointed to the floor.

When I rounded the corner, I saw the problem.

There was shattered glass on the floor.

A small whimper left Simon.

I made my way into the kitchen, took the hand that Simon had in his mouth and helped him step over the broken glass.

Simon had guiltily approached me a few weeks after Ethan had discovered Harry's little secret. He asked me to look after him while Simon was in little space and I had very willingly taken the role of Simon's caregiver.

All of the Sidemen had willingly learnt how to take care of both Harry and Simon if Ethan or I were busy.

For me, it did take me a while to understand my role but I eventually grew to enjoy it.

Simon used little space for when he was stressed which was quite often.

When I sat Simon down on the couch, I examined the blood on his hand. The cut wasn't deep and the blood had already started to dry.

Another whimper left Simon's lips and he sucked his thumb into his mouth.

"It's ok Simon, you don't have to be big anymore. I'll clean up your hand and the glass. Stay here", I said softly as I brought his hand from his mouth.

My lips pressed to his forehead and smiled against Simon's skin.

"Binky pweese", Simon whispered.

I let out a chuckle.

"I can get your binky, Si", I responded.

I decided that I'd firstly head to my room to grab some shoes and I made my way back into the kitchen. I hunted around for a second for the first aid kit and Simon's box for when he went into little space. I popped the latch on the box and searched around for a second to find Simon's binky. The box was a little messy but I eventually found what I was looking for.

When I returned to Simon's side, I held out his binky and he took the object slowly into his mouth.

"Is that better?" I asked.

Si nodded quietly.

"I'm going to clean your hand for you. Will that be fine?" I asked.

Simon nodded again.

I carefully took Simon's hand into mine and turned it so that I could see the cut.

This was a routine for us. Simon was accident prudent with his tiring working hours and stress which led to little space most of the time. I have told him a few times that he should cut back on the work that he did but Simon declined.

Simon let out a few tiny sobs and whimpers but was pretty quiet other than that.

"I'm sorry", I whispered to the boy.

Once I carefully put a bandaid over the cut, I stood up and said, "I need to clean up the glass, I'll be right back".

Simon made grabby hands indicating that he wanted to be picked up or cuddled.

"I'll cuddle with you when I'm done, Si", I said.

A pout formed on Simon's face which I chuckled at.

"I'll be right back".

I ambled quietly back into the kitchen and found a dustpan and broom. Firstly, I picked up the larger pieces with my hands and threw them into the bin. The smaller pieces were swept easily into the pan. I quietly checked over the floor to make sure I had every bit. Once I was content with my work, I dumped the rest of the broken glass into the bin and put the dustpan and broom away in their spot.

When I was done, I made my way back to the couch. Simon was laying on his side with his eyes closed.

"Si", I whispered while shaking his shoulder.

One of Simon's eyes opened.

"Do you want to join me in bed? We can cuddle if you want", I said.

Simon nodded slowly and made grabby hands. I smiled knowing what he wanted.

I got Simon to sit up first before slipping my hands under his butt and hoisting Simon up into my arms. Simon's arms instantly went around my neck and I carried him through the apartment to my room.

By the time I had placed him down on the bed, Simon was completely out. I grinned at the boy and I quickly layed beside Simon.

My arms went around Simon's waist and pulled him close, my hand weaved through his hair gently. A content sigh left Simon. I placed my lips on Simon's forehead.

My hand traced patterns into Simon's back as my own eyes closed. I eventually fell asleep with a little boy in my arms.

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