Sidemen - Tired Bog Part 1

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Shoutout to charlottesydx for the request. Hope you like it as I much as I enjoyed writing this.

For these oneshots, whenever I involve Simon as a little I'm going to make it so that he's only slightly older then Harry when they're in big space. Just feels a weird that Vik, Tobi and JJ are looking after someone who's older then them if that makes sense lol.

I'm really not the best at these titles lol.

Part 2 should be out some point next week or so.



Ethan’s POV

It’s been nearly 6 months since I discovered Harry’s secret. Since then I had become his caregiver. We weren’t at the stage of me being Harry’s daddy but we’re slowly working on it.
Harry had also moved into my apartment to make it easier to look after him. 
I learnt that the nickname ‘Bog’ was a trigger for Harry’s little space fairly quickly. Or if he was in trouble.
I haven’t had to punish Harry much either, only if he’s tired, grumpy or upset which makes Harry refuse to listen to me. He does get very clingy though which sometimes makes it harder to punish Harry.
There was a lot of that in the first month of looking after Harry.
I normally force Harry to stand in a corner and stare at the wall for 20 minutes. There’s a lot of sobbing and apologising during those 20 minutes. Once Harry had faced his punishment he would finally do what I had asked him to do and I’d reward Harry with cuddles for the rest of the day.

So here I was at 8am, carrying a sleeping Harry along the hallway until we got to Tobi’s apartment. Harry’s arms were loosely wrapped around my neck and his face pressed into the crook. There was a binky in his mouth.
The rest of the Sidemen were looking after Harry while I went to visit my mum. 
Tobi, Vik and Josh were also going to look after Simon. I wasn’t too sure what JJ was up to this weekend.
Harry was quite grumpy when I woke him up this morning. He stayed up most of the night editing before I forced Harry into his big space bed. I would’ve made Harry stand in his corner if it wasn’t so late at night.
It was easier to just let Harry sleep when he was like this.
A small whine left Harry as I shifted him so that I could knock on Tobi’s door but the boy stayed sleeping, the boy slept like a log sometimes when he was in little space. 
The door opened and Tobi stood on the other side.
A grin formed on Tobi’s face at the state Harry was in.
“Come in guys”, Tobi said.
Once I entered, I saw Vik and Josh trying to entertain Simon who was on the floor playing with Lego made for toddlers. 
Vik looked up to see Harry and I at the door.
“Simon, Harry’s here”, Vik said to the younger boy.
Simon turned and his eyes lit up.
“Hawy!” Simon said happily.
Harry only pressed his head further into my neck.
Tobi chuckled next to me.
“Harry’s a bit tired this morning, Simon”, I responded.
A pout formed on Simon’s face.
“Bu I wan pway”, Simon stated.
“You can play with your Lego, Simon”, Josh said.
“How long until you have to leave, Ethan?" Tobi asked me.
"In 10 minutes", I responded as I walked over to the couch. 
I sat down with Harry still in my arms. My hand shifted through his hair.
"Bog", I said gently.
Harry let out a quiet protest but stayed asleep.
"Harry", I said a bit harsher.
Finally, the boy opened his eyes.
"I need to leave soon so that I can go to the train station", I said calmly.
Harry shook his head and shut his eyes again. 
"I wan cuggles", Harry whined into my ear quietly.
"I know but we can't right now. I'll be back tomorrow, we can cuddle then", I responded.
Harry's chest shuttered for a second. He was crying. 
My heart broke for a second.
Josh moved from his spot to my side on the couch.
"Bog, Ethan needs to leave. You and I can cuddle for a bit", Josh said calmly.
Harry sat up and wiped his eyes. 
I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his forehead. Harry nearly melted against my chest again at the movement if it wasn't for Josh, who swept his arms around Harry and pulled him off of my lap.
Josh moved Harry so that he was sitting sideways in Josh's lap. 
Harry tried to fight Josh but he pushed Harry's tear stained cheeks into his neck.
Sobs rattled Harry's chest as Josh pushed the binky back into Harry's mouth. 
I got to my feet and moved closer to Harry. 
"I'll be back before you know it, Bog", I said while pressing another kiss to Bog's forehead.
I quickly moved towards the door of the apartment before I changed my mind about seeing my mum.
"Give me a call if Harry's not cooperating", I said to Tobi.
"I will. Say hi to your mum for me", Tobi responded with a smile.
"I will, thanks".

Josh's POV

I felt so guilty pulling Harry from Ethan's lap but Ethan was going to be late for his train. 
It had been at least 10 minutes since Ethan had walked out the door. Harry had stopped crying and was just sniffing occasionally against my neck.
He had almost fallen asleep again but Simon crawled slowly over to Harry and I. 
Simon reached up and tugged gently on Harry's leg.
"Come pway Hawy", Simon said.
Harry shook his head.
"Come on Bog. I'll come with you", I said.
I slid one of my arms underneath Harry's knees and the other arm supporting his back and I stood up. 
I walked over to the Lego Simon was playing with before and sat Harry down next to them. 
Simon followed us excitedly. 
"Ere Hawy", Simon said while giggling and handed Harry some blocks to play with.
“What do you say Harry?” Vik said, sitting on the other side of Harry.
“Ank ou Imon”, Harry whispered.
“Tis otay”, Simon responded happily.
Simon was only a year older then Harry when they were in little space so Simon tended to act like the older brother.
Simon showed Harry how to put the blocks together and the two littles spent the next hour and a half playing together.
Tobi had left to go do some work in his office for a bit. 
By the time Tobi had finished his work, it was morning tea so Vik, Tobi and I came up with a plan on what to make the two younger boys.
Suddenly, a horrid smell came from Harry's direction. 
Vik seemed to have noticed as well because he glanced in Harry's direction.
"Have you used your nappy, Harry?" I asked gently.
Harry shook his head side to side.
My hand reached around the back of Harry's pants and checked anyways. 
The smell worsened when I pulled Harry's pants back.
"What did you eat Harry?" I chuckled.
I got to my feet and scooped Harry into my arms.
I headed towards Tobi's room so that Harry and I could have some privacy while I changed Harry's nappy.
Carefully, I laid Harry on his back on the bed and went to Tobi's wardrobe for the nappy bag.
The nappy bag was dropped onto the floor next to the bed and my hands went to the waistband of Harry's pants.
"Lift your hips, Bog", I said gently.
Harry slowly responded to my request and his pants were pulled down to reveal the revolting nappy.
I undid the tabs on the nappy and removed the stained item.
Harry was surprisingly well behaved as I changed his nappy. He actually let out a yawn a couple of times.
I quickly wiped Harry clean and got a new nappy and pulled his pants back up.
"Are you ready for a nap, Boggo?" I asked.
Harry gave me a small nod.
"Just got to have a bottle before you do, ok?" I said.
I scooped Harry back into my arms and carried him back out to the others.
Tobi followed me to the couch with a bottle in his hands.
Carefully I sat down with Harry sideways in my arms and Tobi passed me the bottle once I was comfy.
I let Harry rest his head on my shoulder. 
The teat of the bottle was pushed into Harry's mouth and started to drink slowly.
Harry didn't even get through the entire bottle before his eyes started to get droopy.
Eventually, Harry finished the entire bottle without a complaint and soon he was fast asleep.

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