Wroetostar - Message

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Vik's POV

Vik was in his room when his phone buzzed.

Harry's ID popped up with a heart-skipping message.

Harry - 'Vik. I'm so, so sorry but I have done something horrible'.

Vik - 'Harry? What happened?'

Harry - 'I'm sorry Vik but I can't tell you. I'm on the run at the moment'.

Vik - 'What!? Harry!?'

No answer.

Harry - 'Vik, I'm so sorry, I'm going to smash my phone but I want to tell you one thing before I go'.

Vik - 'Harry, what?'

Harry - 'I'.

Harry - 'Love'

Harry - 'You'.

Harry - 'Vik'.

Vik's heart skipped a beat.

Harry - 'You can't tell anyone about what I'm doing, not even the SDMN'.

Harry - 'If they ask, just say that I've gone on a really long holiday or something. Please, Vik!'

Vik - 'Harry! No! Don't leave! The SDMN can help you!'

*Message not delivered*

Vik then scrambled for Harry's number to call him and put the phone to his ear.

The woman's voice answered, "Sorry this number is unavailable".

A sob tore Vik's throat as he tried again but received the same message, "Sorry this number is unavailable".

Recording long forgotten, Vik dropped heavily to the ground. The world spun around as reality came crashing into Vik.

Slowly, Vik's eyes became heavy. The last thought that entered Vik's mind was Harry saying, 'I love you, Vik'.

Vik then replied to the thought and whispered out loud, "I love you too, Harry".

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