wroetobehz - hunt to hunted

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The video above is the band I've been listening to as I write these onehots. Great band if you like heavy music.

I did say that there was going to be alot of Wroetobehz for a while but I promise that there will be another ship next.

Also this is probably second time I've ever written smut but I'm kind of proud of this one. Let me know how i can improve on my smut writing skills.

Also the endings kind of cheesy lol.

Enjoy the oneshot.


Harry's POV 

I groaned as my mind woke up slowly. Today was a day that I was hoping would never arrive. I was getting accepted into my father’s clan. It wasn’t really my father’s clan, it was his boss’ clan.
I threw my bedsheets off and sat up. 
What was this clan you ask? 
Well, my father hunted werewolves. Yes, werewolves. Sometimes I didn't believe it myself but whenever I went with my father to his meetings, everyone had some sort of weapon in their hands as they were expecting an attack. 
Someone had also mounted a stuffed wolf's head to the wall of the room that was for meetings. 
The wolf's head was the size of a house cat. Apparently, it was one of the largest werewolves known to mankind. 
When I asked my father about it, he told me the wolf was an Alpha. The highest of the highest.
When I first turned 14, my father started to introduce me to his world. Made me get up at ridiculous hours to go run through the woods near our house. Taught me how to defend myself and how to use a gun. 
The only issue was that I was a scrawny little boy. I had put on a tiny bit of muscle but using a gun terrified me. 
I had broken far too many thumbs and a wrist trying to use hand to hand combat when I was practising with my older brother, Josh. (Yes, I know Harry's older)
Instead of going to a real school, my father sent me to the clan's school to learn all about werewolves. 
The boss's son, Elias, liked to bully and push me around as we grew up. Mocking me because I didn't understand or care about werewolves but I didn't have much choice.

Today though was the day I wished didn't exist. Exam day is what I call it. 
The day to prove to the clan that I should be allowed to go on hunts with them. To hunt werewolves to extinction.
Exam day is pretty much going out to the woods and bringing back the head of a wolf. 
Some boys never returned though. They either got lost or died.

"Harry, get the fuck up!" Josh shouted from the other side of my door.
"I'm up you dickhead!" I yelled back.
I could feel the nerves start to build up in my stomach, I was terrified.
I was never coming back to this house, I was going to die. 
It took me half an hour to get dressed and into my uniform. My uniform consisted of black laced up army boots that I barely wore and made my feet ache, a camo long sleeve shirt and long black army pants. I also had to wear a belt designed to be able to have weapons etc strapped to.
My fingers trembled as I tightened my belt. Even the last hole on the belt wasn't tight enough. 
For some reason, I wasn't able to put on the same weight as the other boys my age.
I finally opened my door and stomped down the stairs to the kitchen. 
My mother and my sister, Rosie, were quietly eating toast. 
"Morning Harry, would you like some toast?" My mother asked quietly.
"Morning Mother. No thanks. Too nervous to eat", I responded.
She nodded at that.

Two hours later, I was standing out in the pouring rain staring at the clan's boss who was standing on a podium and underneath a shelter.
My teeth chattered from the cold. England in winter wasn't a great combination.
The Boss was a harsh man with no emotions. He picked on the weakest boys and praised the stronger ones.
"Good morning boys. I know you understand what your task is today so I won't ramble on for too long", Boss said into a microphone.
"Just so you know when you do arrive back, all your friends, family and myself will be very proud of you. Anywho, I'll drop the sappy shit and we'll get on with the hunt".
And with that, a horn in the distance went off and all the boys turned and hurried out to the woods
Once I reached the edge of the woods, I paused to take in my surroundings. The trees were extremely tall. There was barely any sign of animals. 
My plan was to head in the opposite direction of the other boys.
I scanned the ground for any signs of paw prints but there weren't any. 
"Look at this, the wimps actually trying to find a wolf", multiple voices behind me chuckled.
I turned my head to see Elias, Chace and Todd.
A tiny groan in annoyance left my lips so kept walking in the direction I was heading in. 
"Why are you ignoring me, wimp?" Elias said behind me.
"Fuck off Elias", I said.
"Are you scared, wimp? Of a tiny winy wolf?" Elias asked.
All of a sudden, a hand weaved itself into my hair and slammed me against a tree. I gasped as all the air in my lungs escaped.
The look in Elias' eyes was the thing that terrified me. 
"I could just end your life right here, you know. Don't think anyone would notice, wimp", Elias said. 
Out of the corner of my eye, the glint of a knife shone. Elias pressed the knife against my neck. My hand tried to pat around my belt to find my own knife but it wasn't there. I forgot to strap it to my belt this morning. A couple of tears built up in the corner of my eyes.
Elias’s fist tightened in my hair and smirked. 
“Forget your knife this morning? Fucking idiot”, Elias laughed.
I tried to push Elias back but Chace and Todd grabbed onto my wrists and pressed them against the tree.
Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a dark fluffy tail disappearing behind a tree. My eyes widened, it was a werewolf. 
“Look at me, idiot”, Elias snarled.
My wide eyes snapped back to Elias.
A growl sounded behind Elias but I couldn’t see anything.
“Uhh, Elias”, Todd said hesitantly.
“What?!” Elias asked.
“There’s like five wolves behind us. And they don’t look happy to see us”, Todd whispered.
Elias turned his head.
“Shit!” Elias shouted.
The grip on my hair and wrists loosened and the knife dropped from my neck suddenly. 
Elias tried to reach for his gun but a wolf had already snapped down onto his wrist and yanked him to the floor.
Todd and Chace never got the chance to reach for their guns as two wolves pounced on them in unison. The scream the boys let out was cut off as their throats were ripped out.
I stared in horror at the scene in front of me. 
Elias was busy trying to fight a wolf off himself, he wasn’t being overly successful. Blood was everywhere. 
A beautiful timber wolf started to approach me. It was a big animal, its back came all the way up to my hips. There was this look in its eyes that I was very unsure of but something weird started to happen. It was like I was in a hance with the wolf. It was hard to pretend that this wasn’t a normal wolf, it was a purebred werewolf. 
My feet instinctively started to back away from the tree. All of a sudden, my feet tripped on a tree root and I fell onto my butt. I scrambled to get to my feet but the wolf was faster and I was on my back with the wolf standing over me. 
I curled up in a ball with my hands covering my face and waited for my throat to get ripped out. A few tears rolled down my cheeks.
I flinched when a cold wet nose touched my cheek. My heart was pounding away in my throat in fear. 
The wolf started to sniff around and a wet tongue flicked out at the cut on my neck from the knife. After a few licks, a weird tingly feeling went through my body. I reached to touch my neck where the cut was but nothing was there. 
The wolf growled at me while looking at my hand on my neck. My hand immediately moved away from my neck and the wolf stopped growling. 
The wolf started to sniff down my body. I tried to push the wolf’s head away as it neared my crotch but the wolf was too strong. The wolf huffed and moved up to my hand that was covering my face. 
The wolf grabbed my hand with his lips covering his teeth and I was then tugged to my feet. A smaller wolf came up and nudged me towards the bigger wolf’s side. 
I glanced over at Elias’s lifeless body. It was not a pretty sight.
The smaller wolf pushed me onto the bigger wolf’s back. My fingers curled gently through the wolf’s fur. It was so soft and fluffy.
The pack of wolves started to move off in some direction that I didn’t pay attention to. 
The trees slowly became denser and harder to move through. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around the wolf’s neck. Slowly, I was rocked to sleep.

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