Wroetozerk - Secret Relationship

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This was a request by a reader. Thanks for the request. Sorry it's so short.



Josh's POV

I grinned at my boyfriend, Harry, as he was straddled in my lap. His head was snuggled into my chest as we spent our lunch break around the back of the school where no one ventured to. No one knew of our relationship. We knew that there weren't any homophobic people, it just never came up between our friend group.

I wrapped my arms around Harry so that they were loosely draped around Harry's waist, pulling him close.

Harry and I had been dating since the start of the school year. It's been 4 months and we've never been happier.

Harry was that kid that was at the back of the classroom not really saying anything.

We were introduced to each other through our teachers who decided that Harry needed someone a couple of years older to help him with his anxiety and confidence. They picked me as the person to help Harry.

I didn't mind. Despite Harry being almost as quiet as a mouse, he and I just clicked. I introduced him to my small circle of friends and they all became protective over Harry.

My lips pressed to the top of his fluffy head. A small yawn left Harry.

"Tired?" I asked while chuckling to myself.

"A little", Harry mumbled.

"Did you sleep well last night?" I asked softly.

"I slept through the night. Just tired I guess", Harry responded as he lifted his head to look at me.

I pressed my lips to his gently, my hand threated through Harry's hair.

All of a sudden there were footsteps nearing us and there was a gasp from the owner. Harry pulled away quickly to glance at the person, I did the same.

JJ was standing at the corner, staring at us with his jaw dropped to the ground.

Harry scrambled off my lap and put some distance between him and I.

JJ turned and shouted, "You guys owe me 20 bucks!"

I quickly scrambled to my feet and walked towards Harry, enclosing him in a hug.

The rest of the guys, Simon, Ethan, Vik and Tobi, all rounded the corner and stood next to JJ.

"You sneaky bastards", Simon said chuckling.

"You guys are fine with us?" Harry asked quietly.

"Of course we are, Bog", Ethan responded.

My hand snuck down to Harry's and I squeezed it in reassurance. I tugged him towards the guys.

"We had our suspicions anyways", Vik said.

"You did?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, you weren't that secretive about it", Vik responded with a grin.


Suddenly, the bell to announce that lunch was ending was heard through out the school. The seven of us walked towards the entry of the school building Harry's hand was in mine the entire.

People were staring but they didn't even say anything.

I walked with Harry all the way to his next class. Before he walked in, I stopped him.

"Will you be alright now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks Josh", Harry mumbled with his arms around me.

I pressed one last kiss to his lips before letting him go into his class.

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