Minizerk - Abuse

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"No!" I screamed as I felt a blindfold go over my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up dickhead!" my mum replied harshly.

I obey as I feel rough material go around my wrists and ankles. I was shoved into a tight enclosure, that might have been a boot of a car, was too small for me but somehow my long legs were in and the boot closed.

Darkness immediately responded as the car drove away.

Fear crept into my mind, why was my mum kidnapping. I tried to ignore the thoughts by going to sleep but my mind raced.

I was in this position for about an hour when I heard the eery brakes of the car.

The car door slammed and the boot was opened. My arms were pulled out and the rest of my body followed.

Since my ankles were tied, I couldn't walk so my mum dragged me across a dirty floor. Old splinters stuck into me and it hurt.

My hands were tied around a pole.

"Open your mouth Simon", my mum commanded.

I complied and something was shoved into my mouth and a cold sticky thing went over my lips, stopping me from speaking.

"I'll come back and check up on you maybe every month but other than that you'll be here on your own. If you leave, I will find you and I will punish you. You will die here", My mum told me.

I nod.

"Good and goodbye".

*4 months later*

I'm so hungry and thirsty!

I can sleep but when I do I sleep for days.

My mum came back once but I think she forgot about me.


I walked around the SDMN house with nothing to do. I felt like exploring that old building at the end of our street. It was a run down place and the SDMN hadn't been there in months and we enjoy going there.

"Josh! Vik!" I shouted upstairs.

Josh poked his head down the stairs, "What?"

"I'm going to go and explore that old building. Do you want to join me?" I ask.

Josh nodded, "I'll go and ask Vik".

"Ok", I reply.

"Vik, JJ and I are going to explore the old building we enjoy going to. Do you want to join us?" I hear Josh ask.

"No, sorry. Need to finish these vids", Vik replied.

"Sure", Josh said.

Josh's POV

It hadn't been more than 10 minutes and JJ and I were standing in front of the building.

The building was so run down and no one had been in there for yonks, it was dark and gloomy but the SDMN found it exciting to explore. There was so much to do.

"Are we going in?" JJ asked.

"Yeah, we are JJ", I answered as I pulled out my phone and turned the light on. JJ did the same.

The first thing I noticed was a pair of footprints and a dragline that was obvious on the floorboards.

"JJ", I said pointing at the marks.

JJ looked at what I was pointing at and nodded.

We entered a large room and I moved my phone around the room to light it up.

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