KSimon - Three Legs

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*Look these breeds of dogs up if you don't know what they look like

Simon's POV

I whimpered as I opened my blurry eyes. A rough tongue swept my slimy body.

A skinny dog with gentle eyes cleaned me.

I looked at my front legs. There was only one tiny, black paw staring back at me. One of my paws was missing!

Small whimpers filled the air and I looked around. Three smaller puppies were pondering around me and I tried to rise to my feet but my one paw couldn't support me. I fell back to the ground.

My mum looked at me with concern. I tried again and this time I stayed on my feet but my right paw was still missing.

taking a slow step, I stumbled without the support of my front paw.

Suddenly a clanging metal filled the air and I looked up. A man pondered in with a much larger dog then my mum and I.

The larger dog immediately noticed me and came charging over.

All of a sudden the left my paw and my mum was growling at the larger dog.

"JJ! Leave Jess and her puppies alone. Particularly that one, he's missing his right leg. The poor thing", the man told the dog.

JJ just sniffed at me and suddenly I wanted to play with JJ. I squirmed trying to get out of Jess's jaw.

It worked. I fell and hit the floor with a thud.

Quickly I rose to my paw again but failed as I fell over.

JJ snuffled me.

The man grabbed JJ's collar and pulled him out the gate. I tried to follow my new friend but Jess started to lick me again so I stayed put, occasionally whimpering.


I barked like mad when Tim, my owner, yanked me away from the three-legged pup.

Finally, Tim had me inside but quickly left, most likely going back to the Labradors.

The only thing on my mind was the pup.

I want ed to protect him but I would never be allowed.

Even though I'm a Kelpie, Tim still doesn't trust me. I don't know why.

Tim had put food out for me, probably to keep me quiet but I found it more interesting finding a way back to the pup.

The only thing to help me was the back door.

It was opened a tiny bit so I pushed my way through and I ran quietly back to the Labradors. There he sat, was the three-legged pup. I ran up to him and sniffed him, his tail wagging like mad.

"Hello", I quietly told him.

The pup's eyes widened so much I thought his eyes would fall out.

"Hello", the pup whimpered back.

I had no idea why I liked this puppy so much. Maybe because of his leg.

"Do you have a name?" I asked him.

He shook his head so much he fell over. I nosed him until he was sitting up again.

The pup then asked, "Can you name me?"

"Are you sure", I asked the puppy

And he nods.

I think for a sec. "I think I'll call you Simon".

"Simon", Simon whispers to himself as if testing the name.

"JJ! What are you doing out here?!" Tim shouted.

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