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Josh's POV

Sunlight glared through my dark, grey curtains. I groaned as I rolled over on my single bed made out of metal.

It was Sunday, a day I hated. Adoption Day. A day I feared.

Let me explain who I am, my name's Josh, Josh Bradley, and I live in an orphanage. I don't know how or why I'm here. The people who owned this place told me nothing other than I came here on my birthday, 4th of September when I was 12. Apparently, I'm 15 now. I forgot my age when I was 13 so they told me every day, I don't know whether they're lying or not. And today's my birthday and Adoption Day. It happens every month on the second Sunday.

My door opened a tiny bit and light came through the door.

"Happy Birthday Josh!" shouted a female voice.

I flinched at the voice.

I've learnt not to trust or talk to anyone here. The girls just laugh and the boys push me over. They just laugh as well so I stay in my tiny, grey room, staring at the wall making friends with the voices in my mind and the only time I'd come out is for food and Adoption Day.

The door opened fully and Miss Jones stood there. I visibly relaxed. She's the owner.

"Come on Josh. Its Adoption Day, maybe you'll be adopted today. It's your birthday after all", Miss Jones stated in an encouraging tone. I sighed an okay, rose to my feet and poorly dressed. I bother to look nice, no one has ever adopted me. I've given up.

Miss Jones grabbed my hand and tugged me through the many hallways of the orphanage. Eventually, we arrive at a familiar door that led to a large room where about 2 dozen kids sat or stood, talking to their friends. Kids ranged from many ages, babies, toddlers and teens. Miss Jones let go of my hand and walked over to my corner in the room where I always sat. I stared off into nothing thinking of nothing in particular. At some point, I looked up at the clock on the wall 10.30. The adoptions will be starting any second now. As if right on time, a young woman in her late 20s walked with another owner. The two walked straight over to a young boy and the young woman spoke gently to the boy. Light in the boy's eyes lit up and the boy looked at me, gave me a smirk and followed the two out of the room.

He was one of the many mean boys who bullied me. I sighed, not really caring.

A few more people walked in and out with kids in their arms or by their side. The kids looked both happy and scared.

I zoned out again until I heard a cough in front of me.

I almost jumped out of my skin out of fright and I focused on the person in front of me, expecting a boy about to kick me.

It was a boy but I hadn't seen him before.

I cowered into a ball, assuming to be laughed at but the boy put his hand on my leg, I flinched.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm Simon", the boy told me in a comfiting way.

I don't speak.

"Simon!" a male voice sounded.

I immediately rose to my feet and Simon glanced at me.

It was Max, another boy. A large bulky boy who always made my heart race.

Simon looked at Max.

"What?! How do you know my name?" Simon asked, not looking scared. How does Simon do it?

"I heard your name. Adopt me instead of this prick", Max told Simon.

Simon just rolled his eyes, "Sorry but my mum and I aren't looking for a boy your size. This boy here is perfect".

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