Sidemen - Tired Bog **edited**

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Requests - Closed, probably won't open back up till next year now

This is an extended, edited and what I hope is the better version of the first 'Tired Bog' that charlottesydx requested. I was thinking about writing a part two but I realized that it'd probably sound better if I just made it all one part so here it is, many months later lol.



Ethan's POV

It's been nearly 6 months since I discovered Harry's secret. Since then I had become his caregiver. We weren't at the stage of Harry calling me daddy but we're slowly working on it.

Harry had also moved into my apartment to make it easier to look after him.

I learnt that the nickname 'Bog' was a trigger for Harry's little space fairly quickly. Or if he was in trouble.

I haven't had to punish Harry much either, only if he's tired, grumpy or upset which makes Harry refuse to listen to me. He does get very clingy though which sometimes makes it harder to punish Harry.

There was a lot of that in the first month of looking after Harry.

I normally force Harry to stand in a corner and stare at the wall for 20 minutes. There's a lot of sobbing and apologising during those 20 minutes. Once Harry had faced his punishment he would finally do what I had asked him to do and I'd reward Harry with cuddles for the rest of the day.

So here I was at 8 am, carrying a sleeping Harry along the hallway until we got to Tobi's apartment. Harry's arms were loosely wrapped around my neck and his face pressed into the crook. There was a binky in his mouth.

The rest of the Sidemen were looking after Harry while I went to visit my mum.

Tobi, Vik and Josh were also going to look after Simon. I wasn't too sure what JJ was up to this weekend.

Harry was quite grumpy when I woke him up this morning. He stayed up most of the night editing before I forced Harry to go to bed.

I would've made Harry stand in his corner if it wasn't so late at night.

It was easier to just let Harry sleep when he was like this.

A small whine left Harry as I shifted him so that I could knock on Tobi's door but the boy stayed sleeping, the boy slept like a log sometimes when he was in little space.

The door opened and Tobi stood on the other side.

A grin formed on Tobi's face at the state Harry was in.

"Come in guys", Tobi said.

Once I entered, I saw Vik and Josh trying to entertain Simon who was on the floor playing with Lego made for toddlers.

Vik looked up to see Harry and me at the door.

"Simon, Harry's here", Vik said to the older boy.

Simon turned and his eyes lit up.

"Hawy!" Simon said happily.

Harry shyly pressed his head further into my neck.

Tobi chuckled next to me.

"Harry's a bit tired this morning, Simon", I responded.

A pout formed on Simon's face.

"Bu I wan pway", Simon stated.

"You can play with your Lego, Simon", Josh said to the slightly younger boy.


"How long until you have to leave, Ethan?" Tobi asked me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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