wroetobehz - 7 years

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It was nearly midnight and I had had a bit to drink. 
The sidemen were celebrating 7 years of the sidemen and everyone was having a good time.
Ethan, my boyfriend of 5 years, had disappeared a while ago so I was just slowly swaying to the music with Simon and JJ. 
Everyone was there who had supported us since the start of the Sidemen.
7 years ago the sidemen became a thing, I was so grateful for all the boys around me who had helped me to become who I am today. Who knew where I'd be by now if it wasn't for them. 
Suddenly, Ethan was infront of me. 
"Hey babe", Ethan whispered in my ear. 
His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me into his chest. My head rested on his shoulder. 
"Gather around everyone", Josh said to the large crowd in the room.
"Could the rest of the Sidemen come up to the stage".
Ethan pulled away, took my hand and dragged me to the stage. The rest of the sidemen joined us.
When Tobi, Simon, JJ, Vik, Ethan and I were on the stage, Josh continued.
"7 years ago, the sidemen was born. Since that day, we've been growing as a group and we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the rest of the people here in this room. So thank you all of you. Now, Ethan wanted to say a few words". 
My head turned towards my boyfriend, this wasn't apart of the plan. Ethan must of sensed my confusion because he gave me a big smile. He took my hand and walked me to the podium. 
"Hello everyone, my names Ethan Payne and this here, is my boyfriend Harry Lewis", Ethan said, "Only 5 years ago we started dating and each and everyday, my love for you has grown, Harry Lewis".
I gasped as tears sprung to my eyes.
"Now, the only question is…".
Ethan reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He got onto his knee and said, "Will you marry me?"
There were a few gasps in the crowd but all my attention was on my boyfriend.
My eyes widened. 
"Oh my God, yes!" I said shakingly. 
Ethan smiled and slid the ring onto my finger. He then got to his feet and kissed me. 
There was cheering all around us and I smiled into the kiss. 
Ethan pulled away and whispered, "I love you, Harry".
"I love you too, Ethan", I responded as I hugged him. 
When the party had resumed, everyone around Ethan and I were giving us a congratulations and hugging us.
Today was the best day of my life.

Sorry for the delay but I finally had some inspiration.
I only just discovered the ship, wroetobehz. I think it's quite a cool ship.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it.


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