Flashback: 4 Years Pt. 2 (🍋)

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"Kakashi! Where the hell are you taking me?!" Tsuki kicked while Kakashi carried her on his back.

"Don't worry about it, it's a surprise!" Kakashi said as his grip on her legs tightened to get her to stop kicking,"Just relax, take a nap. We'll be there soon."

"Can I just get a hint? Is it a festival? A hot springs inn? Maybe to a big modern city?!"

"I'm not giving hints! Now go to sleep!" Kakashi said knowing Tsuki was already tired.

"Ugh, fine Kashi. I'll trust you.." Tsuki rested her head against the back of Kakashi neck and promptly fell asleep.

It wasn't until a few hours later when she heard Kakashi again,"Psst! Love, wake up, but don't open your eyes."

Tsuki, still half asleep and confused opened her eyes, only for them to be covered immediately by his hand.

"I said not to open them, dork!" Kakashi laughed,"Come on, keep them closed were gonna walk onto some water though so watch your step."

Tsuki focused her chakra into the bottoms of her feet and stepped onto the water with Kakashi's hand guiding her. They walked for quite a ways out when Kakashi's hand on her shoulder urged her to stop.

He stood behind her and covered her eyes with both of his hands,"Okay Kuraku, open your eyes. Ready? 1, 2, 3!"

Tsuki felt the weight of Kakashi's hands leave her face, and she opened her eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the rays from the sunset in the distance when she focused on it.

That "it" being a gorgeous house, with large glass panoramic windows and sharp corners that were much more modern than most of the homes found in Konoha. She examined the surroundings and realized this home stood alone on an island in what she presumed was the middle of a large lake. The house was tucked away in large trees that reminded her of a rainforest while the water they were standing on gently rolled into the sandy shore on the edge of the island.

"Oh my god, that house is beautiful." Tsuki said, taken aback by Kakashi's surprise of a private island getaway,"You rented this thing out? I really like it, especially since it has its own island."

"I'm glad you like it cause I....uh....bought it.." Kakashi was nervous about this surprise. Even though he was generally in charge of their monies and of paying their monthly bills, he still didn't know if Tsuki would be livid for making such a big purchase without her knowing, even if it was meant to be a surprise gift.

Tsuki's jaw dropped and she gasped,"You bought it?!"

Kakashi swallowed and nodded his head,"Y-Yeah, we had been talking about buying a vacation home for us and the kids for so long. And this one popped up on the market and I had to jump on it cause it was so nice and the location was perfect. It would have disappeared if I didn't make an offer. So.....happy anniversary, I bought you a house?"

Tsuki's jaw was still hanging open out of shock,"You.....bought.....me.....a...house...."

"Mhmm." Kakashi nodded.

"On a private island."




"How much did it cost?"

"I'd rather not say. But trust me our savings is more than fine. And I didn't touch Kai and Kanari's trust funds." Kakashi reassured Tsuki, still worried that she was pissed.

But she wasn't, she found it heartwarming that Kakashi loved his and her family so much that he would go out of his way to surprise her with some this big. It was endearing to her, they really had been searching for a vacation home for their family so they could get out of Konoha sometimes. A place to make memories with their children before they grew old and had families of their own that they would leave to make memories with. And this home was gorgeous, secluded on its own private beach where the kids could play in the sand, surf, whatever they damn well pleased.

Fear and Love Part III (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now