Flashback: Scars (🍋)

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I joined Wattpad exactly one year ago on January 1st! It's been a crazy journey! Fear and Love Part I is almost at 400K reads and I can't believe I'm almost at 400 followers. Thank you all for reading, I never thought I'd be in this deep with fanfiction 😅

Figured I'd ring in the New Year with a lemon chapter since let's be honest that's what we're all here for 😏

Happy New Year!

Flashback to five months into Kakashi and Tsuki's relationship

Tsuki stepped into her and Kakashi's shared room after her nightly shower to find some comfortable pajamas because she had forgotten to take them into the bathroom with her prior. When she caught sight of herself in the full length mirror of their bedroom, she sighed.

She eyed her own body up and down, suddenly becoming insecure and ashamed of her appearance. Most of the time they existed in the background of her mind, but the snakebite patterned scars that litttered her body made her feel gross, unattractive, and they did nothing but serve as a reminder for what she felt was a failure on her part to protect her parents, her clan, and her village.

She felt disgusting. And the memories of her previous failures as a daughter and protector flooded her mind while tears began flooding her vision. Damn it, usually she had better control over her emotions than this, but once in a while she couldn't help but feel sad about her past. 

Her skin felt too tight on her body, and she sat on the floor, feeling pathetic as she stared at her seemingly infinite scars in the mirror.

Why did Orochimaru have to do this to me? She wondered. It was at this moment she desperately wished she brought her pajamas into the bathroom with her so she could cover her body as quickly as possible. It wasn't always like this, but sometimes this feeling of inadequacy hit her like a train. These scars were a nasty reminder of her past, making her forget all that she had in the present.

She cried on the floor, still wrapped in her towel from her shower. With her face in her hands she didn't notice the sudden presence of Kakashi behind her walking into the room.

"Whoa, babe..." Kakashi immediately knelt down to her level, gently placing his hands on her bare shoulders to assess her emotional state, "Hey what's wrong, love?"

Tsuki shook her head, still sniffling into her hands, not wanting to overwhelm her new boyfriend with all her baggage, "N-nothing.. Don't worry about it.."

"I don't often find you crying on the floor..." Kakashi picked her up and placed her on the bed, "This doesn't look like nothing to me.." he turned to the dresser and pulled out one of his t-shirts and a pair of her underwear to put on her.

But when he reached to remove her towel she flinched and smacked his hand away, "No don't!"

"Whoa, hey, I wasn't trying to do anything weird I promise, I was just gonna put a shirt on you.." Kakashi pulled his hand back as if it got burned, "Are you okay? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Tsuki wiped her face and nodded, reminding herself that she had found a soulmate in Kakashi and that she truly could tell him anything without judgement, "I just got a little triggered when I looked in the mirror and saw all the scars from Orochimaru. I started to get panicky. That's all."

Kakashi handed her the shirt cautiously, "The snakebite scars?"

"Yes!" Tsuki grabbed the shirt and placed it over her head, dropping her towel to the floor in the process, "They're everywhere! And I hate that I have them! They keep reminding me of that day back home when... w-when..."

Fear and Love Part III (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now