Kai's Stupid Plan

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In this moment, Kai was grateful that his dad was so adamant about teaching him and his sister Morse code. After school, Kakashi would go into sensei mode, sitting the twins down in their living room while he pulled out a whiteboard to go over the Morse code alphabet.

At first Kai found it extremely boring, having to sit still and stare at a whiteboard of dots and dashes when he'd rather be out practicing new jutsu, but Kakashi wouldn't budge.

"Hey! Kai, pay attention!" Kakashi snapped his fingers in front of his son's face to bring him back from his daydreaming,"I know it may be boring to you, son, but this way of communicating can be very valuable in times you can't talk. It's saved your mother and I a number of times when we went on missions before we were married and before the war."

Kai would grumble and half-heartedly pay attention while Kanari eagerly listened to her dad and learned Morse code in only a couple lessons.  It took Kai a few more days of practice, but he eventually got it, and now he was going to use it for devious purposes

He wrapped his arm around his sister, and began tapping a message on her shoulder.

"I....want...to...go ..rescue....mom and dad..... We....can ..take.....these...guys...." He told her.

Kanari put her arm around him, playing it off as a close brotherly twin hug as she tapped a messaged back,"Me...too.....but.... Genjutsu....only....they're.....our....comrades."

"Duh..." He tapped back.

"Hey, Mitsue!" Kai vigorously slapped him on the back,"Did I ever show you my new jutsu?!"

Mitsue had a bored look on his face,"New jutsu?"

"Yeah, check out these hand signs!" Kai elbowed Kanari to begin making the same hand signs, so together they could place Izumo and Kotetsu in a genjutsu to make them think they successfully escorted them to the emergency operations bunker.

Dog, Bird, Ox, Snake, Tiger

The twins stopped walking and Kanari grabbed Mitsue by his collar to make him stop as well.

"Hey!" He swatted her hand off,"What gives?!"

"Shh!" She placed her hand over his mouth, and whispered closely, causing his face to heat up with a light blush.

They watched as the pair of chunin continued to walk without them, having a conversation as if the three genin were still behind them. Mitsue quickly deduced that the twins had put them in a genjutsu.

"Don't worry kids! We'll get you back to the bunker safe and sound while they go out looking for Lord Kakashi and Lady Hatake!" Izumo said from a distance.

Once they were far enough, Kai booked it,"Okay let's go!"

"What? Go where- ah!" Mitsue stood still, only to be yanked at the wrist by Kanari who ran behind Kai to hide between some nearby trees.

"What are you guys thinking!" Mitsue combed through his long brown hair before resecuring it into a half bun as he tried to be the voice of reason,"You can't put our superiors in a genjutsu!"

"Well, we just did." Kai and Kanari shrugged.

"We want to go help find our mom and dad.." Kai said.

"Absolutely not!" Mitsue protested,"You should leave it up to Naruto-sensei and his team. Plus your mom and dad are strong enough to fend for themselves if they need to. Like Advisor Shikamaru said, it's too dangerous for genin like us, especially since you're from the Hatake clan."

Kai let out a low growl,"Damnit, Mitsue! I just don't want my mom and dad to get hurt! And I want to help rescue them! We have Pakkun to help track their scent if we can pick up on one along the way and we may be genin but you know we're stronger than the average kids our age!"

Mitsue still shook his head,"This is a stupid idea, Kai. Suggest something that not stupid!"

Kai, like the hothead he is grabbed his rival's collar and got in his face,"Don't call me stupid!"

"I didn't call you stupid, I said your idea was stupid, stupid! There now I called you stupid!" Mitsue screamed quietly.

"Guys!" Kanari pushed them apart,"Stop! Both of you! C'mon remember what Naruto-sensei taught us about being a team."

Kai let go of Mitsue's collar and looked down at the ground with tears welling up in his eyes.

Mitsue looked over at Kanari, who had a look of sorrow on her face despite the bored half-lidded eyes she put on in an attempt to hide her emotions. Mitsue felt his heart sink seeing her with that look, he couldn't pinpoint why, but the feeling just hit him like a ton of bricks.

"You know what's it's like, Mitsue." Kanari said flatly and quietly,"...to lose your dad. And Kai and I have already gone through that once. This time the Shioki have captured our mom too who's pregnant with our little brother or sister. We already lost a little brother once, we don't want it to happen again. We don't wanna lose our mom. And we don't want to lose our dad again."

A void opened in Mitsue's chest as he remembered receiving the news that his father didn't make it back from the war. It was a sunny day, and he was eagerly waiting by the gate as the soldiers of the Shinobi Alliance Army trudged back into the village, some injured, some not. He waited for hours, scanning the crowds for his father's face to no avail. Until he saw one of his father's comrades approach with a solemn look on his face.  He knelt down to his height, as he was only two years old at the time, but highly intelligent for his age. The man simply handed Mitsue a Leaf Village's headband, and that's when it hit him.

His dad wasn't gonna come home. Stunned, Mitsue just walked back to the group home he was placed in to be looked after while his father was out fighting the war. He couldn't do anything but cry. And that's what he did for weeks, just cry underneath the covers on his tatami mat in a room he shared with several other children.

He knew that feeling all too well.

He was snapped out of his trance when Kanari grabbed ahold of his hands with hers,"We don't wanna sit on the sidelines like last time. If something happens to our mom and dad we want to be able to say we did everything we could to help..."

Mitsue's hands were shaking, but he squeezed hers back,"Fine... We'll follow Naruto-sensei to go find your mom and dad."

Are we shipping Kanari and Mitsue? ☺️

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