Chapter 1

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When a father holds his baby girl in his arms for the first time, he cannot help but produce a tear in the corner of his eye. Watching on as his little girl's hands reach out to grasp his beast-like finger, to her, it is as large as her new life. Being a newborn baby, cared for by your parents. Every time the little girl cries, she knows her mother and father will be at her every beckon and call. The journey always has its own challenges, its own perks, its own problems. In the end, it proves to be worthy.

James never got to have anything like it. He was never allowed to see his daughter grow inside her mother's womb. Now that he found his daughter, he often questioned whether or not he would have wanted to be involved in that process.

When a baby is being made inside the mother's womb, all different problems come along during the process of pregnancy that he missed when he was away. The symptoms of being pregnant: daily nausea, cramping, headaches, backache, kicking when you least expect it, a weak bladder and too many different pregnancy symptoms you can never expect despite what all the books say. Then, when the weeks decrease and you come to the time when you begin to see the day drawing near, the day the baby comes, it begins to hit you. Everything needing to be prepared for when she arrives, having all the correct items of care you will need for the baby: nappies, milk bottles, breast milk pumps, baby rompers, shoes and socks, small pairs of underwear. Then, she arrives, she comes into your life after the painful amount of time you wait until you are completely ready to push at the right dilation. Lack of sleep. Nothing can prepare you for the lack of sleep that comes when she arrives, keeping you awake at ungodly hours you wish you had not ever been awakened by. 

As she grows up, you witness her problems as a young woman. Periods, period cramps, boys and starter bras. Nothing that Moriarty was ever there for. He was slightly grateful he missed the majority of the problems, but he was not grateful he was there for the good parts: her first steps, her first word, her favourite toy or blanket, feeding her, being there for her. Still, you have to be there for the bad times to be a good father, you need to be there whenever you can to help them, guide them through life. 

Life contains a mixture of ingredients that make heaven and hell in one person's life. It can either set you free or destroy you, and now he was about to witness the life of having a daughter in his life. 

For now, his daughter was back, and she wanted to know her criminal father a lot better than she did. Perhaps, wanting to understand him a lot more closely, wanting to understand him as a person, rather than the vague knowledge her mother had provided her with.

Sherlock had left them in peace, the closure Moriarty and Sherlock had needed was complete, understanding the Poison Chambers and the meanings it gave to the one person who needed it in his life most.

With the walls plagued with never-ending misery, with never-ending memories for a murderer, it seemed fitting that those memories would be given to him, having control over who got to understand them. That was in the hands of James.

When he brought his daughter back to his base, she examined everything, deduced everything she saw with simplistic ease. She reminded him of Sherlock Holmes, the great detective. However, she had a much more sinister nature under her feminine figure, the beautiful features she could hypnotise anyone with. Taking after her father greatly.



"You haven't asked me what my name is yet,"

He paused, wondering why he had not asked her her name in the first place, he had not even begun to consider that she had a name he had no part in giving her.

"Give me a clue,"

She smiled, noticing her Dad was taking a different approach to getting to know her. In one way, she appreciated that he enjoyed getting into little meaningless games that meant something to her.

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