Chapter 15 - Aella's Diary Entry 1

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Dear diary,

Why does she always have to be the hunter? She has the hunger of an animal I have never seen before. When she sees her target, her eyes grow embers, they burn like hell when her hands are placed on the person she attacks. A few weeks ago, I found out who my father was. Certainly not what I was expecting. Most dads these days are a lot less than a criminal. Stereotypically drinking beers, beer belly and hardly ever shaving. Mine, well. Surely he tells it all. Clean-shaven, neatly dressed, rich suits he refuses to stop wearing. I assume his relationship is one they both share, I have been watching the cases on the news with my mother for years. Except, when she started to cry watching them, I assumed she was upset about the crimes that were being committed. Not that he was my father. 

I wish I had known long ago. 

Just a few days ago, Alina had shown me the man she truly loved. The only one I had ever known before. All the other times she would close the door in my face and lock me out of ever being able to understand what was going on. He was hers, there was never any mistaking it. 

I had met her a few years back from when I was involved with a criminal organisation no one had ever been able to track down. Sometimes, I was the one they were after. I could run like a cheetah, I laughed like a hyena and cried when I realised the damage I had done. But, I kept going at it like a wolf. hunting for a piece of meat to feed me. 

If only I could stop. I just can't stand watching her with him, my heart kills and my head is aching every day. I could take it if he wasn't so interested in being around me, I am losing it, I am past the gone. Imagine if I knew how to go back, I would go back years and years and years till I filled my head with goo rather than the bad. Nothing is killing the bubbles in my ears from being pressed underwater, I cannot face it anymore. I need to know who my father is before I lose my mind altogether. 

Mother strongly disagrees with what I am doing. I am surprised she hasn't even noticed what I do when I come home, see the cuts, the bruises I have. Then again, my heartache is never on display for her to notice. I never notice her anymore. She is never there. Leaving me notes on the fridge, and food tucked away in Tupperware boxes for me to heat in the microwave. What else can I do? 

All I know is, tomorrow is the day I need to do the unnecessary and go against Alina. There is something he needs to know whether he wants to know it or not. I never want to hurt her, but perhaps this is the one exception. Sebastian Moran knows my father, he needs to know I am his daughter. He needs to help me find a way to get to him, even if that means risking my neck to get into his life. I cannot keep hiding away. 

Mom wants to send me away. He would want to keep me. I am the Devil's Descendant, that is what my mother keeps telling me. It has a nice ring to it, but I need to know I am truly the female version of the devil. 

If I get his protection I can win the battle. Perhaps this could work. Wounds are only a small amount of pain, I will not be defined by them. I will be defined by the reputation of my father, James Moriarty. 

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