Chapter 3

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Moran and Moriarty had not separated since they left Aella in her room to do the deeds that they intended. For their criminal acts, it seemed Moriarty was keen on returning to London for another day in his paradise. 

The Chambers he had created were long forgotten by the media, buried by Mycroft Holmes who had been taking care of the son who was not his own. Sherlock and John were still up to their necks in cases, running around London during the mornings and afternoons, eating takeout in the evenings. Well, just John. 

"Why are we in London again?"

"Because I need to talk to you about something,"

They both stopped at one of the park benches in the centre of London. Just for once, James had taken the normal option of getting coffee from a cafe. Sitting down to talk, James breathed in to calm himself down. For a while, he had not needed to discuss with Moran the importance of keeping separate from certain individuals for certain reasons.

"Aella is not a normal girl. On the outside, she appears calm, a normal girl for her age, when she is far from it, Moran,"

"You have already told me this," taking a sip of the coffee, he immediately spat it out onto the grass. "What did they put in that?"
"I don't know, Moran. Ask me,"
"What did you put in that?" he hurled into the bin. Moriarty had ensured this would happen, he needed Moran to be faintly listening to his words so he could not be completely sure of what he had said. After all, how can you completely trust what you only heard half of? 

"Aella is just as dangerous as Mycroft and Sherlock's sister, Alina. Alina is the fighter, Aella is the Whirlwind that comes after. Those pairs are like peas in a pod. If you put the two together you get two powerful females who can dominate you as easily as they need to."

"Why should I be scared of two women, Moriarty," he hurled over the edge into the public bin, letting James pat his back to help get it out of his system. "Remember who we are."

"Remember who they are too, Moran." 

After he was doing throwing up, they flicked their heads up to the billboards showing a new breaking news article showing a scene in which there was a girl in the middle of a body of water, a military backpack floating with her. Everything inside of it was dry because it was of waterproof material. However, she was not, she was drenched in water. Men from the local police force and water rescue were swimming toward her. Even though she was not standing, you could see her immediately getting defensive, not wanting to be touched or taken away. She had the ability to get out herself.

Helicopters were circling around her with ladders for her to grab hold of and climb. One skimmed her hair completely soaked, absorbing the water. 

James knew from anywhere who's dark features they were: they were that of his own daughters.

"Is that her?"

"Yes, you can never mistake a daughter of mine."

James seemed as though he was far from being bothered about what would happen, he just sat on the park bench once again, giving Moran a proper cup of coffee this time as they watched the billboard in front of them. 

They had managed to get a speaker to her, to listen to what she was saying. All across London, they amplified the scene, it was one which passersby were bewildered by. To everyone else, she seemed like a helpless little girl. That was what she was far from ever being. 

"Get off of me!" she screamed in the face of one of the men grabbing hold of her wrist to pull her away. Somehow she had swum quite far in the last half an hour to get to somewhere she could hide. Until she pulled a stunt that Moriarty was unsure she would want to pull on public, live television. "Hands up, or I will shoot all of you."

Taking the gun out of her trousers, she cocked it at the man in front of her, circling around the ground of three that had swum out to get her back out of the water. Using the opportunity before her, she kept the gun perfectly aimed as she swam on her back past all of them, letting her float so majestically upon the water. Removing the jacket from her body that was weighing her down, she moved so far away from all of them that she knew she could easily outswim all of them and hide away from them altogether. Many curses were unheard under her breath, they were not potty mouth language, they were curses to the people in front of her, wishing that they would leave her alone and never come back. 

Still, she refused to let go of the backpack that she had with her until the very end that she needed to. All of the helicopters stopped following her, she had the aim of marksmen, which they did not know. 

"If any of you even try to follow me, I promise I will shoot you perfectly in between your eyes, and you won't see out of them or feel life ever again,"

One of the men was a lot bolder than all of the others as she swam further away from them.

"Come on, we only want to bring you to shore, get you out of the water.

He swam closer to her, but she kept moving further and further away from him so he would be unable to catch her. 

"I told you not to follow me, leave me alone,"

"We need to get you out of the water."

She said nothing. 

Moriarty's eyes were glued to the screen as he looked at the gun she was holding. All of them had been stacked up, one upon the other. For some reason, unconsciously she had chosen the only one that was loaded. The only one Moriarty had loaded. 

Before her room had been redone before she arrived, it was a base for where they would keep the majority of the special equipment and weapons. The metals and plastic tools were always stored there since they arrived, especially after the whole incident with the Poison Chambers. 

As a precaution, he had left a few of the weapons in the room she was staying in, hoping that maybe she would not find them. He left only one with a full round of bullets inside of it. 

"It's loaded, Moran,"

"Let her shoot, we do it all the time,"

"We may do it all of the time, but we never do it on live television. Maybe this will prove to you how dangerous she is. Nothing ever fazes her,"

"You talk as if you have known her for years,"

"After watching every recording I could dig up from her past history, you would see how good she is at being a criminal."

Moran didn't speak another word. When Moriarty spoke so seriously he truly believed what he was saying more than anything else. Leaving a gun in her room, loaded with ammo was something he was starting to regret, this would be an issue she would face over and over again. Still, the point was, she would not care for a minute about the consequences of her actions. She was healthy, full of life, ready to go and fire her gun, letting it ring for all to hear. The cries of those she was shooting beckoning for a reason as to why it was them being hurt, and not some other poor soul.

They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. For her, every time was the right time whether she fired the gun or not. 

Their eyes had been very divided from the screen. For a minute, he watched his daughters eyes look directly into the camera miming the words 'Hi Dad, watch me.' As she mimed, she positioned the gun at the camera before miming even more words, this time with sound. Echoing.

"I know this is loaded." she fired a bullet at the camera, stopping the view of the proceedings in the water. The microphone was still active, it caught the sound of another four shots firing at each of the people that were there at the scene. "Do you enjoy silence?"

When the cameras were back online with fresh ones, she was gone, she had disappeared from the scene. All that was left had been the pool of blood spreading across the scene. The bodies that she had shot were gone, including her own. 

A new mystery for the one and only Sherlock Holmes.

When she fires a gun you hear it ring,

It ricochets of everything,

You duck and dive and don't know why,

She fired it at you so you would die.

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now