Chapter 14 - Sherlock's POV

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When they left, Sherlock and John realised who they had helped. It was nothing to do with his daughter, Aella, she seemed innocent and sweet, unlike her murderous father. Eventhpouhg she had certain abilities, strengths and powers that others did not have, she had a heart that felt emotion, which Sherlock and John appreciated.

John had fixed her wounds, he had noticed how she had particular scars from wounds before. They were done by someone else based on how they were angled on her body, and where they had been targeted. Some were lacerated on her back, others on her thighs and the back of her neck. Whilst they were so small after being healed, they were noticeable to John.

Sherlock seated himself in his chair, grabbing his phone to call Mycroft again. He knew that he needed to know the dangers. However, whatever it was that Sherlock thought would be a good idea, was nothing good. Aella was in danger without the protection of her father, for he had no idea that she was in love with Moran. Without James knowing seemed like a death trap for Aella, which Alina wanted her to fall into.

"Do not call Mycroft!" John reached for Sherlock's phone, but he moved it out of his way, leaving the living room to go into the kitchen.

"Mycroft Holmes, please,"


"It's Sherlock Holmes, his brother,"

"You cannon tell him about Aella, she is in danger,"

"My enquiry? No, I want to talk to Mycroft, if he's playing with a toy train tell him I have someone who wants to tie someone else down to train tracks until the train comes,"

"Aella is in love with Moran and so is Alina, and Alina is willing to kill her till she has Moran for herself. Selfish and stupid and it sounds like a cringe romance story but this is serious. She has vowed to complete her song by acting out the lyrics on her and Moriarty. There is no chance in this world you want Moriarty dead, so you do not want to let Aella die on our watch either,"

"How do you know this?" he paused listening to the waiting room music.

"She told me herself, she is not only in danger from Aline but from an organisation she used to work with. She is covered in knife scars that were inflicted by other people,"

"Where?" he waited, stopping in his tracks when the phone started to ring. "Mycroft!"

John stared in disbelief thinking of what he could say to stop him from starting to make issues he did not want Aella to face. "Her kneck, the back of her thighs, her back, some are very recent, the scars are still pink, others are fully healed and barely noticeable, others are very prominent because they were deeper. She is coming for her with them,"

"Are you quite sure?" Sherlock's eyes squinted in annoyance. "Not you, Mycroft! And you're supposed to be smart."

John nodded, his eyes screaming the seriousness of the situation. "Very sure, Sherlock."

"We need inside help, Mycroft. We have a murderer on our hands and we need the lyrics of a specific song analysed so we can figure out where she will strike,"

"Are you talking about Alina?" Mycroft questioned, wondering who he was on about.

"Of course it is. I need to know what will happen,"

"Can you not do it?"

Sherlock put his phone on the loudspeaker, looking down at the lyrics James had forwarded from Moran.

Leaving me in silence was all you ever did,

You took me, tortured me and hunted me till dead,

I saw everything you were doing until you looked at me,

The blame was poured upon my rotting corpse,

If only there was something that would make you feel remorse,

Your weak point is everything I had to play with,

You gave no incentive apart from the greed to kill,

I enjoyed watching you play with the puzzles I left for you to discover,

Was it when you found your first murder, that you uncovered you were mentally misunderstood,

Blood spilled everywhere like a can of worms,

The voice in your head rotting away your mind,

For now, you can remember the guilt you have is mine,

I thought the vast expanse was the perfect place for you,

To hang, to cry and see what you had done to you,

At one time you had never been so cruel, a heart of utter gold,

Just a baby begging for your mom to cradle you in her arms,

Now you wanted to jump and be done with the life you possess,

Thinking about never coming back to the world you liked to rule,

But, now you realise it had always been so cruel,

All your men wanted nothing more than to see you die,

They nibbled at your feet, tearing at your shoe,

Until blood came pouring out since one had bitten you,

You watched them lunge and cry in anger tearing at your skin,

Ripping at your flesh with no remorse and any sign of upset,

You wished you could stop feeling the way you did after Aella found out what you did,

The blood was more pain than you could handle, she had made you weak and thin,

Your bones were more like flavour for broth than the purpose they had once been.

"I think it's time we defeat this, Sherlock,"

"Her?" he seemed surprised at Mycroft wanting to get rid of their sister.

"Surely you understand we need to protect everyone from her, especially now she is loose. There are things you don't know about your sister, brother mine." he hung up the phone, leaving the beep of the phone to do the talking.

All this time she broke your bones and tore you into two,

It took many failed attempts till you understood the times she held you under,

Underneath the water for minutes at a time,

That was when you realised you stopped breathing, a few years ago.

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