Chapter 26

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The blame was poured upon my rotting corpse, 

If only there was something that would make you feel remorse, 

Your weak point is everything I had to play with,

Sitting in the car with her was reasonably peaceful, he felt almost comfortable sat beside her, Even though she had done some horrific things over the last few weeks and days, he had never felt comfortable until that very moment. Some things do not happen for reasons, but this seemed to be something she had a very good reason for. Taking him away from his daughter so that she could show him something, whatever that would be. Whatever it was that she knew would be of great importance to James in winning this war against her, her eyes and ears must have been everywhere. 

At the end of all this, he knew she had inside information from someone. When he looked into her eyes, he saw a spark of something, telling him that she new something that he was oblivious.

"You know something,"

"What makes you think that?"

"The way you look at me, it's almost like you know more than me, you know things I am oblivious to,"

"There is a lot that you are oblivious to."

They stopped talking, allowing James to focus a little more clearly, letting him gain a certain amount of perspective. 

"What do you think you will achieve by trying to get to me and my daughter?"

"Not much, I just enjoy the thrill of seeing her in pain,"

James looked at her in sheer confusion, he was unable to understand why she was doing this, she had some things she was unable to comprehend. Maybe one day he would understand her reasoning behind the things that she did, whatever that would end up being. James straightened his suit jacket, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"If you grass up where I take you, there will be consequences, James,"

She watched him open his phone with the passcode of his choice. "I would never dream of doing that Alina." 

In the back of the car was an uncomfortable situation that no one wished to see. A father and his child. A child he had ended up illegally taking care of, he had not decided to inform others of the new development in his life, which he never intended to have spit out. 

"What is it you plan on doing?" she gestured using her head toward his phone.

"I need to check on Moran," her eyes lit up like a street full of lights, gloriously excited. "So, you like Sebastian."

Her laugh was contagious to most, but not to Moriarty. James bore his eyes into her skin, making her feel rather uncomfortable. "Well, I suppose you might say that."

Moran, how is she? - JM

Better than when I found her, but still not strong - SM

What happened in there? Did she tell you? 

Not much, apart from Alina putting her inside a wooden box.

She covered it in petrol and some of went into her wound.

I thought John stitched her up!

He did, she removed the stitches.

Okay, just stay there, see you soon - JM

Stay safe - SM

Instead of telling Alina the truth about how Aella was doing, he needed to let her know that she was seriously injured, hoping that she would leave her alone until she was strong enough to fight. Then, when she was stronger, in less time than Alina would expect, Aella could seek her revenge sooner rather than later. 

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