Chapter 8

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Have you ever heard of the trident of Poseidon? The power it holds can control the sea because it is the sea. Many believe it has a modern-day parallel and others feel it was a wonderful myth for the Greeks to enjoy.

Whilst it holds many stories to read, it can never be taken literally. Perhaps interpreted but never misunderstood. 

For some people, those stories are their lives, they centre their lives around those stories and hope to follow the morals. Some things are there for a reason, they help people to deliver their own views in ways they had never been inspired to deliver them before. It is the life some lead.

Those in the world will always portray you as the evil one, especially if they have something against you so strong. Nothing can be saved but yourself, as long as they are wrong. James had run out of the doors of the flats without any question. Knowing now how dangerous his daughter was and how much she needed his protection was enough for him to want to find her.

Experiencing all of this had made him realise how being a parent involved much more than he originally believed it to mean. Sometimes it takes one small act to light up the eyes of his daughter, just one thing. He could give her all the riches and powers in the world and she would still feel lost at sea, in the middle of the ocean being free and ready to roam the world with no fear at all. Still, she would be so alone. Without her fathers love to allow her to be complete. For a father, and a mother, it takes love. Even though material possession is a luxury, they are never always everything. 

When you fall, stumble, drop to the ground because you fell over your lace or a stone. You know that the one place you can go when you are a child is your parent's arms, ready to embrace you and give you the comfort you need. As they hold you and kiss around the wound on your knee, they delicately clean away the blood and tell you everything will be okay.

For the child, that is all they need. To know how much they are loved in the eyes of their parents. 

Caring is everything.

For Aella she had hoped she would experience such a thing, she would run and run and he would reprimand her for her action. Until he then stops, he realises how much he loves her and he did not mean to shout at her so loud. That's when the embrace comes, they embrace each other, they embrace the reality that in the end, they only love each other more than anyone else in the world. Someday, there will be a day he will not want to be without his daughter. 

In the middle of London streets, everyone was tucked away once more, no one really awake. You get the feeling you get when you walk through an empty store in the middle of the night. When you close your eyes you feel the heat of everyone cramming down one aisle, or in this case, one pathway, just to get to one destination. 

"She will be okay," Moran put his arm across Moriarty's shoulders.

James glared in disgust, angry at Moran's display of affection. "Get off me!" 

"Okay," he removed his hand, not knowing what to do next. "Look, we will find her."

"I know, you will find her, I need to take a walk."

James walked in the opposite direction to Moran, he knew he needed to find his daughter on his own, but Moran would not get there until later on. It was Moran's duty to his leader to do as he asked him to, and everything else he was asked. No matter what was in question he needed to obey and go along with everything and anything.

After all the years of working with Moriarty, he knew he needed to be prepared for absolutely anything. Since he had started working with Moriarty, he often questioned in his what it was he needed to be prepared for. From all the accounts of those that Moriarty had killed, he never asked anything they were not prepared to give. Everyone gave everything and anything, apart from their lives.

Was Moran prepared to give his life for Moriarty?

As James wandered over by the river path of the Thames, it was absolutely beautiful on the nighttime. He recalled all of the times he had done his research upon things that could possibly be at the bottom of the Thames, the things that he had used the deepness of the River Thames for also. 

Usually, dead bodies were dumped in the bottom of the river. If it was not for the movement of the water and the currents, there would be a pile of bodies built up across the river tames. Over half of them being his own.

As he walked, he contemplated her song like the millions of stars in the sky when he was not surrounded by the polluted waters and atmospheres. 

Someone seemed to be around him as he walked, a protective shield, someone wanted to speak to him. Every time he turned around, no one seemed to be there. It was an unfortunate subconscious feeling eating him alive. 

"If anyone is out there, show yourself. It's a lot less effort than what I am used to. But, I will hunt you if you try anything stupid," he pulled out his gun, purring as he spoke, whistling, and blowing in the air. As he moved his gun around the circumference of the area, he cocked it immediately when he spotted a shadow moving. "The moonlight has a vendetta, how cute."

Slowly walking sideways, he kept checking behind him with irregular timings so that they would not be able to expect when he would catch them in the act. 

"Come on. If you want fun, bring it on big boy!"

He laughed, he was enjoying the thrill it was bringing to him. The shadow was moving in periodic movement, the feet moving delicately and softly.

"Or a woman," she purred herself, the lull of her tongue bringing him deep satisfaction.

"Alina Holmes, I was not looking for you,"

"But, I was looking for you."

Her hands take flight just like her voice,

They can't help telling you as you make your choice,

When you kill to explore, deeply endeavour,

Alina will tell you when there will be stormy weather.

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now