Chapter 13

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Aella turned out to be just fine, her injuries were easily repairable, but her secrets were less than easy to control. If James were to find out then all hell would break loose. For one thing, it was unimaginable that he would want to hurt Aella in any form, apart from when he wanted to wreck her emotionally. 

James entered the room with a look on his face no one wanted to bear any witness to. Skin turning to the palest colour it could have possibly been. Even anyone's imagination would not have prepared them for such a ghostly sight. 

"Is she okay?" he looked at his daughter who was wearing a pair of Johns shorts and a t-shirt he had cut so her wound could breathe. He had wrapped a bandage around her waist in order for her to not snag the rough job he had undertaken on the wound.

"She will be okay, just needs a lot of rest. No more murdering for awhile, Aella," 

He turned away from her to stand beside Sherlock who was still confused, wondering how she could be so unreadable. 

"Thank you," James held his hand out for John to shake, he took it begrudgingly, trying to make sure he was never going to do something unexpected. "I need to take her back."

Sherlock butted in, his face coming in front of Aella, instead of her fathers. He kneeled in front of her trying to understand who it was that she was having feelings for. Whether James liked it or not, he would have to come to terms with the girl he needed to raise to be just like him. 

Exact terms were not stated, especially who she liked. Moran had messaged Moriarty with the details he so needed. It hurt Aella in particular over who he chose. He chose Alina quicker than he could choose her. Usually, she was the one people picked, but now she was left alone and left to her own devices, never knowing or understanding the true extent of her new life with James. 

Sherlock handed her a comb to comb her hair with, allowing beach waves to fall upon her bare shoulder. The t-shirt was so large that it fell from her shoulders to midway down the top of her arm. It was unmistakable that she looked like James, she was so beautiful. Much more beautiful than anyone else in the world. For James, she was perfect.

Perhaps I can come and collect you from 221B Baker Street? - SM

I know you said not to message, but I needed to. 

She sang to me.

And she shot Aella in the lower abdomen, and you took her side - JM

You fool, absolute fool, I have never met anyone so insolent. 

I know, I will be coming in ten minutes.

Is she okay?

Far from it, she hates you, all because you picked someone over her.

Don't think for a second you won't be punished for this.

For what? This is less serious than those Chambers. 

Those Chambers never involved my daughter until the end.

Now you hurt her. She can hurt you and I won't listen to you scream.

Her screams are the ones I will solve, not yours.

Make your coffin and lie in it. - JM

"Is he coming?" she spoke softly, but with an element of hope in her voice.

"Unfortunately, yes." 

James walked out of the room, giving them all a nod as he left, showing that he was happy for everything to be left. When Moran arrived he would get Aella down the stairs.

Without his help. 

He pulled up in a black car, opening the back doors for him and Aella to be seated in. Moran had not yet considered the state she was in as Moriarty went to get her from upstairs. When he returned with her, she limped on her left-hand side where the injury was. She required a lot of help to be able to walk. Doctor Watson had advised her well on how to treat her injury, giving her all the necessary information that she needed to be able to prevent a serious infection from spreading into her blood.

Since John was the only one she told, she made it his problem to tell Sherlock, just so she knew she had the protection of the Baker Street boys Moriarty loved to torment too much. She had seen their games broadcast, televised and recorded for all to see. Even though they were ridiculous in nature, she was far from capable of not enjoying watching them bicker. 

An A-class criminal no one could stop, as far as she was concerned.

"Get in the back with Aella,"

Moran obeyed his orders, letting Moriarty drive them back to the house by the sea. A few glances were exchanged between Aella and Moran, her heart flickering when he stared deeply to see if she was okay. The truth was, she was far from it. Her heart was flickering in fear. Right now, she was weak and vulnerable to being attacked, especially with an injury limiting her body from being able to do what it could do normally. Whether or not she wanted to be defined by her injuries was a different question. Sometimes, words hurt far more than wounds. 

"Why didn't you come?" she began drilling Moran, he shifted in his seat rather uncomfortably, moving around, scratching his arms and his legs from the harness of the reality of what he had done. "Was it because you were jealous of me having my dad? Taking away your precious killing sprees."

"No," he looked out of the window, his face swelled with thoughts of how he could have handled the situation differently.

"She may be able to sing, Sebastian. But I have the power of an army drilled into this little delicate body you see before you. It may be injured, it may be in pain. What it is not is wounded. I will never let you look down upon me because I am a woman because I have the weaker domination of us humans. Just because genetically you are stronger. Bite your lip, scratch your head, kill. Whatever helps you sleep at night. When you cry and call and beckon and fall I will watch in triumph as I succeed to watch you deplete into nothing, you are nothing. Everything you think you are will come crashing down by this pretty little thing sat next to you that you think needs protecting."

"I don't think that! Aella you need to realise you are ill, weak!"

"Yes, you do. Perhaps it would be a good wake-up call for you to realise, to smell the coffee, to wake up to reality and understand that you are the one who needs protecting. Not me."

Protection is for those who need it, those who are threatened, 

They are weak in their weakness and downtrodden, far from being powerful,

It takes a crew to man a ship and only one to abandon and it all goes to pieces,

Aella is the glue that will keep him together, keep him as the one remnant of his life.

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