Song 1 and 2

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Leaving me in silence was all you ever did,

You took me, tortured me and hunted me till dead,

I saw everything you were doing until you looked at me,

The blame was poured upon my rotting corpse,

If only there was something that would make you feel remorse,

Your weak point is everything I had to play with,

You gave no incentive apart from the greed to kill,

I enjoyed watching you play with the puzzles I left for you to discover,

Was it when you found your first murder, that you uncovered you were mentally misunderstood,

Blood spilled everywhere like a can of worms,

The voice in your head rotting away your mind,

For now, you can remember the guilt you have is mine,

I thought the vast expanse was the perfect place for you,

To hang, to cry and see what you had done to you,

At one time you had never been so cruel, a heart of utter gold,

Just a baby begging for your mom to cradle you in her arms,

Now you wanted to jump and be done with the life you possess,

Thinking about never coming back to the world you liked to rule,

But, now you realise it had always been so cruel,

All your men wanted nothing more than to see you die,

They nibbled at your feet, tearing at your shoe,

Until blood came pouring out since one had bitten you,

You watched them lunge and cry in anger tearing at your skin,

Ripping at your flesh with no remorse and any sign of upset,

You wished you could stop feeling the way you did after Aella found out what you did,

The blood was more pain than you could handle, she had made you weak and thin,

Your bones were more like flavour for broth than the purpose they had once been.


You stopped leaving me in silence you soon let me breathe,

You took me home, you stopped the pain, you let me live my life again,

I saw what you once were and your eyes fell on me,

All the blame at once was stopped, no longer letting me rot away,

Remorse was something I no longer let you feel, letting you in my life,

A weak point left the room, you became stronger day by day,

Greed to kill, greed to feel, to love once more,

The puzzles we deemed ridiculous, we felt them in our soul,

We got you the held you need, I let you feel at one,

Cleaning up the blood, letting it soak into the cloth,

The voice in your head was real this time, you were feeling love,

Your guilt was gone, it was all of ours to share,

Standing on the edge of the cliff, it was our place to feel our care,

No longer did we need to hurt, feel the pain bore into our souls,

Your heart was gold, and I loved you for everything you chose to do,

Begging for forgiveness, letting you start over once more,

Instead of jumping, we chose to fly, flying back to the way we used to,

We ruled the world, our world of crime, feeding it till the day we died,

The cruelty the misery was all a thing of the past,

Your men were long gone in thinking what they did, their feelings were never made to last,

We reaped the tears, and stitched you up so you stopped being in two,

We cried and rocked ourselves to sleep on the evening of her death,

Feeling the motion we had felt was never bound to leave,

It was more than we could handle but we let ourselves be fed,

We became one flesh and let it ride, feeling like we had died and gone to heaven,

Our lives are forever intertwined as two happy people.

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now