Chapter 16 - Alina's Diary Entry 1

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Dear diary,

I know what she is doing, I know her and I know me. I am nothing compared to what she has seen, she has seen me excel in sniffing out my prey and making sure I get what is mine. For her, it is fun. For me, it is a job and I intend to see to it that no one ever surpasses my knowledge and the scent that my body can inhale and watch. 

The daughter of James Moriarty should not exist. Anyone who has his blood running through their veins are a threat to any human on the earth. Of course, she is beautiful and equal to her father handsome looks. Nothing ever makes people love the Devil's Daughter more than having the same features that everyone seems to fall for and be manipulated by. Moran has been my friend for many years, I just avoided letting her know him for she would eventually find out who her father was. I met her mother years before when I was a small child. I still remember those days as if they were yesterday, beaten up and scared. Nothing would ever erase the memories of the bruises on her. Every time I saw her, I often wondered why. Aella had the strength that no man was ever a match for at a young age. She never intended to hurt her mother.

When they played, when we played together with her dolls, it was a recurring issue when she threw them across the room or smacked them against someone's skin. Each time her mother grew weary of her brute force, just like her father. If only she had sent her away earlier.

Thankfully, she is blissfully unaware of her father's existence and Moran has promised not to let her know, or Moriarty. Either way, one day, when he lies in his grave, I will then tell her what her father was. I know she has seen him before, many times on the television, but never in person. One day, Moran will stop looking at her and think about what I can be. After all, I am a Holmes. Sebastian and Moriarty are always toying with Holmes and Watson, they enjoy watching them solve their complex puzzles, riddles and affairs. 

Over time, I have watched those Chambers with Moran when Moriarty was unaware if only Moriarty knew what a stupid fool Moran had been. No wonder the police found those Chambers because I was the one who gave them everything they needed. It was just the push Moran needed to seek his deliverance and his own life away from the criminal class of Moriarty. 

Now, I cannot even think about what I need to do next. But, I know it is time to unleash what I have worked so hard to harvest for the past few years. It was quite enjoyable to watch Mycroft have some incredible fun with the song, going crazy like someone who needs to be cared for.

If only Sherlock knew. 

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