Chapter 24

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James thundered into the woodlands, he had run away using the bike he had used when he came to try and find Aella. Now, he had heard the song and it was inside of his head. Moving so fast that it moved through his head like lightning speed, never seeming to stop. 

They were coming for him, to take him, to use him against his daughter. That was the last thing that he wanted to happen. If only he had answers. But, now he had no answers whatsoever, everything was beginning to get uncomfortable. One thing he knew was that he needed to make a statement once and for all, make a statement to show that he was not to be messed with, he was not one to be challenged or taking advantage of. 

When he took a left through the forest, he turned to see a building he had not seen in so long. It was a place he had not visited since Aella came into his life, the place where he first met his daughter after years of not knowing her. All because of Sebastian Moran. Who knew that the daughter of the Moriarty would face feelings of love toward someone else. No one. Moriarty was not even prepared for her to be this way. Except, she was now causing him problems he had never faced before.

Standing before the brick walls gave him a mass mount of nostalgia, his hands stroking her markings, and then his own. Picking up the broken pieces of glass from the ground that he had broken before, others that he had brought there. Memories of the song being stuck inside his head that he could never get rid of from his mind, plaguing him day and night. Older memories coming from his childhood that he wished to bury deep under the ground, never to be uncovered by anyone. Ever. If there was one thing he vowed, it was this. 

"How I missed these walls," he announced to himself, his hands trailing across the edges of the stone walls. "How many people died in these Chambers."

Someone was behind him, he felt the similar presence he had felt when he was by the River Thames, he knew it was Alina. Yet, he did not understand why she was here. She usually waited some time before attacking again. Certainly taking him by surprise. 

"The blame was poured upon my rotting corpse. If only there was something that would make you feel remorse. Your weak point is everything I had to play with," she stood behind him, proudly, poignantly reminding him of the time that had passed since they had made themselves well acquainted. "You missed this. Tell me you missed this."

"I have never missed anything, Alina," he turned around on his heels, his eyes widening when he saw her dressed in a red silk dress. 

"I am wearing this to remind you of one thing, Moriarty. I will never stop hunting your daughter. Her blood is like red silk, it's precious to you, expensive to you. Priceless, even," she moved closer to him, his body getting ready for anything she would bring. "I know how my song has been affecting you, how it had been worming its way inside of your mind, eating away."

"You know nothing of what I have been going through. Actually, you have thought wrong,"

"Really? I must say I am very surprised to hear you say that, Mycroft seemed to have a different problem with the song. I need you to come with me for a second, James."

Willingly following her, he moved with him toward the car she had parked nearby in the woodland area. How it had managed to get down here was a mystery in itself. Inside of the tinted windows, he was just about able to make out the figures of two people. One older, one very much younger.

"Who is it? Let's play a game of guess who!" she seemed overly excited about James getting to guess who she had caught in her traps this time. 

"Easy. Mycroft Holmes and the son of the woman I blew up. I am not that heartless to forget the people I hurt," he looked into her eyes, hoping he would be able to read what she was thinking. "And now you want to get back at me by getting to your brother. Do you think that is a wise thing to do?"

"Of course it is, look at the effect my voice has on Mycroft Holmes," she opened the car door, looking at the child, and then to Mycroft. "Your weak point Mycroft."

When she spoke, she purred like a lioness, she made Mycroft twitch, his muscles spasm into terror when she spoke to him. James had never seen Mycroft so powerless in the face of danger. Usually, he was the one to control all the problems that James created for him to contend with. 

"Do you want to know what I know, James?" 

"I think it would be of superior use to all of us, Alina,"

"Good, good. Get in the car."

James was not reluctant in getting in the car. Once she was inside, he checked the bullets in all of his guns he kept on himself. Taking one last look at the Chambers, he opened the car door, stepping inside. "Good, James."

After sliding into the side of the car, he looked at her skin, it was mostly bare because of the dress she was wearing. Deep scars were inflicted onto her body that someone else had made. Some of them were very similar to the ones he had seen on Aella when John was helping her get stitched up. 

"Where did you get those scars?" she stroked some of the scars on her hands, placing her hand on the back of her neck reluctantly. 

Before she started to drive, she took off her seatbelt, turning her body around, lifting her hair out of the way of her neck. As she did, it revealed a scar so thick, the wound was still rarely fresh that she had only recently recovered from. 

"I and Aella used to be very close friends. Always partners in crime. When we were younger we watched you and Sherlock on the television and hoped that maybe we could find someone we wanted to mess with,"

"Moran..." his voice trailed off relating why Moran used to disappear sometimes, why he would come back with wounds, with problems. 

"Yes. And then we both realised how nice he was, we stopped hurting him. Well, she did. She never hurt him badly, she liked to put him through psychological trials that made him tear his hair out. We formed our own kind, we used the scars on the back of our necks as a symbol to the people we are. You will find that people other than me are coming after Aella, people she left, and I never did. I still work with them, just not as much. She abandoned her role as leader because she wanted to become like you."

Out of her mind and out of control,

Cruel and heartless, ruthless to all,

Shaking and quivering, frozen in fear,

Her voice manipulative and poisonous with a sweet smell of honey.

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