Chapter 32

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live without the one person who makes you feel complete, who makes you feel whole? Have you ever wondered what life would be like if that one person turned your own father to his death bed without giving him the warning he deserved? Enjoy the story of Aella. 

She had trusted Moran for so long, and now he was doing this to her, he was taking away her own feelings of love from her body so that she could save her father, who was being presented as a living sacrifice for a creature that was her sister. Now, this was a war worth winning, they had to engage in the war. 

Aella had never wanted to subvert the life her sister did. Always living in fear of being caught by a fisherman or found out that they existed. For her sister, she had found out sooner rather than later what it would be like, she was living the nightmare. 

Sherlock stood by Aella very closely, he held her hand in his. John went ahead of them with his gun, taking it very steadily in his hand, to make sure everything would be okay. Moran was very apologetic, which did not help Aella in feeling the way she was. In a way, she was being fed off of guilt that she never knew existed in herself, guilt for singling out Moran for his actions. 

“What is the plan from here?” 

“My sister is very powerful, her voice and physically. She is very beautiful, so when you see her, try not to stare at her too much, please,”

Sherlock and John nodded, followed by a yes from Moran, who seemed subdued. 

“So, what shall we do? You know her, Aella,”

“I need to be the one that… does it,”

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure, she will have to let me do it, she will not listen to any of you, but me,”

Sherlock seemed to understand what she was on about, but he was far removed right now, even if he was the King of all sociopaths. He was worried for his brother, Mycroft, he was bleeding and they needed to get it stopped. 

“How do we stop it from happening, the bleeding?” Sherlock was unaware of this creature and how it worked, but he knew there was always a way to stop it from happening.

“There is a reverse of the song which can heal, that is why I need to talk to her. There is a fair chance my dad is bleeding too, and all of you,” Aella looked to Moran, signalling with her eyes she needed to talk to him. “You guys go on ahead, you need to clear the way for me and Moran. We are a team right now, we make mistakes. I know this is a pretty big one, but we need to have as much compassion for each other as we can for this to work. Just, work as one unit.”

Sherlock went ahead with John, entering the dilapidated building, which seemed so secure on the inside. As they went inside, they examined the contents, the lights turned off, the wallpaper peeling off of the walls. Metal walls were surrounding them without the wallpaper, but why? Why the metal. 

“No lights, we should wait until they come,”


Sherlock and John stood, waiting for them to come, hoping it would not be for too long. This was the thing they were barely used to, there was always time-wasting.

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