Chapter 31

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You gave no incentive apart from the greed to kill,

I enjoyed watching you play with the puzzles I left for you to discover,

Was it when you found your first murder, that you uncovered you were mentally misunderstood,

Aella m loved swiftly through the turnings to get herself to her desired destination, she knew that if she did not get there quick enough she could be all too late. For one thing, her sister was someone she had tried to stay clear of for some time. She refused to accept who she was and pretend that she was okay, she was a normal human being of a normal type, but now she knew she could not hide it anymore. This was the only thing she could do, she had to kill her sister, whether Alina let her or not.

Anyone who got in her way would have to be shot down, there was no other way right now than to do this. Her greed to kill was eating her alive, all of these damn puzzles she was going to have to fight through would become something of a hindrance for her to get through.

When she reached the right destination, she heard two people approaching her, they were panting and out of breath. One more than the other. When she turned around, she was in great relief that they had managed to get to her.

"Finally," she smiled, wiping away any other remains of sadness that were in her eyes. "I need you guys to help me."
"You need to explain first," John was the first one to come straight out with the facts. Sherlock already knew what was going on, but John was evidently in the dark in these matters, and he was the one who needed to know the most.

Blood spilt everywhere like a can of worms,

The voice in your head rotting away your mind,

For now, you can remember the guilt you have is mine,

"When I was around five years old, my mother took me and my sister swimming in seawater, it was lovely and warm. We were enjoying ourselves. My sister always love singing more than me, she would sing everywhere she went. Then, one day, she wrote her song that no one was able to understand. She sung it to a boy she had a crush on at school, three days later, he died. When she had the chance to develop into more of a woman, we went swimming, we went swimming to a place we had never been to before. It was beautiful until we saw her shed her own human life and change, she changed into this thing," Aella was choked up on her words. "She rotted our minds away, her song makes you bleed from the outside of your brain and inside, it makes you die if she targets you enough. The guilt you feel for nothing you do is hers, she owns it, she controls it. Apart from me, my mother, and those that she likes. Alina has always been hellbent on understanding it. We were like sisters, me and Alina. After my sister had to leave, I had no one. I was alone and isolated because no one cared until I met Alina. I told her everything, and this is how she betrayed me. No wonder her guilt is mine."

"Why did you say my brother is dying?" Sherlock whispered almost shocked, he loved his brother, even if they were so-called nemesis, he cared. When his voice cracked, he cleared his throat, refusing to show his emotions. "Why is he dying?"
"Ask Moran,"

Moran stood behind the three of them, looking on in guilt, he was pain-stricken and closed off to the world, he had no idea how to respond to this.

I thought the vast expanse was the perfect place for you,

To hang, to cry and see what you had done to you,

At one time you had never been so cruel, a heart of utter gold,

Just a baby begging for your mom to cradle you in her arms,

"The place she felt was best for me was to be with her, she saw how manipulative Moriarty can be and how he was taking over my life so slowly and she never gave up trying to keep me in her midst. Everything was changing so quickly that she became like a sister to me who never seemed to leave me whenever I needed to be alone. She saw me crying on days when I was at my worst, getting used to living under the rule of your father. She remembered me from when I used to be innocent and without the murder in my life,"

"So you took her side," Aella snapped at him, she was disgusted with the way he had been acting,

"I stayed with her because she was someone I felt like I could turn to, in turn, she told me things that helped me in keeping your father safe, I let him dodge bullets by feeding him leads that would lead him to the plots against him. If it was not for me shooting down his enemies now and again he would be dead, Aella. You should appreciate that."

Now you wanted to jump and be done with the life you possess,

Thinking about never coming back to the world you liked to rule,

But, now you realise it had always been so cruel,

"So now you are the saving grace of my father, he owes you his life and he did not deserve to know about this. You used to have to swear oaths to the dictators, to the ones that you were under the command of despite never needing to do it all on your own, You had the power to prevent all this and you never did,"

"Shut up!" he screamed at her, hissing like a serpent. "You think I don't care anymore, you are wrongly mistaken, I thought she was going to kill it."
"My sister!" she retorted in fury, angry he was still not referring to the creature as her sister.

"Your sister is in there, I thought she was going to kill her and she never did, she was after Moriarty, She had to have cottoned on to me feeding your father the leads that I knew, I told him the world was too cruel a place for him to always be the leader of cruelty. But he never listened,"

"And rightly so," Sherlock jumped into their argument, bringing his thoughts to the table. "If it was not for Moriarty, then you would probably be dead Moran, I know who you are. I know Moriarty sees you as more of a brother than his sideman and you know it. But, you failed to let him know on this one, and now his death will be on your shoulders."

All your men wanted nothing more than to see you die,

They nibbled at your feet, tearing at your shoe,

Until blood came pouring out since one had bitten you,

You watched them lunge and cry in anger tearing at your skin,

"Everyone was around me at one point, everyone was trying to take a dive at my body and rip me to shreds, Moriarty was the only one who saved me from the wreck. He had all of my wounds fixed up, I was beaten into oblivion. Yes, I swore an oath of protection becoming his sniper, his friend, his assistance, his brother,"

"And now, you have done the opposite," John sighed, rubbing his forehead, pacing up and down.

"And now, you have put my brother and his child in jeopardy," Sherlock was stressed, emotion playing on his face.

Ripping at your flesh with no remorse or any sigh of upset,

You wished you could stop feeling the way you did after Aella found out what you did,

The blood was more pain than you could handle, she made you weak and thin,

Your bones were more like flavour for broth than the purpose they had once been.

"It seems like the ending of this story will be my father's death, you will shrink and be weak and thin, you have read the song,"

"He will be killed and I will be slowly dying."

Nothing can turn into something,

Hope can dwindle like a flame,

Unless you feed its desire and fix the issue everything will deplete,

Some things are not made to last for Moriarty's.

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