Chapter 23

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Moran had brought Aella back home after cracking open the wooden box that she was in, little did he know that there was someone else watching him let her out of the burning building she had hoped that she would never be allowed out of.

Just outside, Moriarty had called the emergency services to get Sherlock and John the care that they needed. He watched on from a distance to make sure that they did get them into the ambulance. Eventually, they came, they were taken away, and the fire services were brought to the scene so that the fire could be extinguished. 

As soon as they stopped the flames, Moriarty took his leave on one of the bikes, getting himself out of the way.

Moran had taken Aella to a place where he knew she would be able to receive better, private medical care for her wound on her lower abdomen. It was bleeding profusely and burning with heat, the redness and swelling were starting to get worse. He knew that Moriarty would be annoyed at his actions, he would be coming to find them soon, but Moran had different plans. 

When he pulled his phone out, he gave it to Aella.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Call your dad, he needs to know where we are going. You can explain it better than me," Moran bent down so he could carry her all the way to the destination. He turned his head around to see her when she did not get on his back. "Come on, I know you need to be carried. The more you walk, the worse it will be when we get you there."

"Fine!" she was reluctant, but she knew that she needed help and care.

When she got on his back, he lifted her up, holding her legs and letting her arms come around his neck. The heat from her wound was felt through his shirt, there was no mistake that it was infected.

"What made your wound so agitated?"

"She poured petrol through the top of the box so it would burn even more, and it came through the gaps in the wood, leaking into my wound," she rested her head on his shoulder, hugging him slightly. Although he was tense at first, he relaxed slightly, letting her seek comfort in him. "I know Dad doesn't like me feeling this way."

"No, he really doesn't,"

"I need to prove myself a little bit more, have you got the song Alina wrote?" she handed him his phone, he brought up the song on his images that he had saved. "Okay, maybe if I follow some parts of her song, I will stop her from ever getting ahead of us."

She read it through thoroughly. "Is this about dad?"

"I believe so. I don't really know much about his life before I met him, usually, he is very quiet about his past."

Aella agreed with him, Moriarty was careful with who he told about his personal business. That was one thing he never let anyone into knowing. Moran kept walking with Aella on his back as she called James, he needed to know what their new plan of action was. 

"It's ringing now,"


"Shut up then," she slapped him around the head playfully, leading to them both laughing. Soon enough she grasped her wound, laughing made it hurt even more. "Dad, it's me."

"Aella!" he sounded out of breath, he was panting for air, clearly he was not driving anywhere. "You need to move, you need to get out of the forest, they are coming for you."

"Who is coming for me?"

"The second part of the song, they are going to be coming after you sooner rather than later,"

"Then what are you doing?" she was puzzled, he was heavily panting.

"I am running, I need to keep running. Don't come and find me, okay,"

"No!" he hung the phone up, the ringer buzzing on the other end. When she handed the phone back to Moran, she saw a text message appear on the front of the screen from Moriarty.

The blame was poured upon my rotting corpse,

If only there was something that would make you feel remorse,

Your weak point is everything I had to play with, - JM 


None of them had any idea what it actually meant, he gave no real information for the text message he sent, no context to explain what he knew. All Aella knew was that her father had gotten into some sort of bother he had no control over.

"I think dad is in trouble,"

"What makes you think that?" she showed Moran the screen, showing him the part of the riddle Moriarty had sent through. "We are all each other's weak points, that is what that part of the riddles mean."

"I think we are here," she redirected Moran from thinking about James too much, even though she was doing it herself. "I need medical attention."

Moran lowered her to the ground, letting her legs slip out of his grip. Now they were closer, she was able to walk into the building to get the attention she needed, she needed help so she would not be seriously issued with a problem for the rest of her life.

"Are you okay now?" her balance was a little off, she was like a newborn deer, unsteady on her feet. "Here, I have got you."

He held her up, allowing her to not give up on walking. Every time she thought she was going to fall, Moran knew. When her hands squeezed his arm tighter, he knew she was losing her balance. 

"Thank you," as they entered the building, men and women ran out in doctors uniforms, helping her into a wheelchair. They rushed her away from the safety of Moran's arms, even though he was going to be by her side all the time. "Thank you." she mimed with her lips as she was wheeled away.

Without her knowing, they injected her arms with a mild sedative to put her into a small sleep so she would not know what they were doing. Sebastian knew he would be by her side when she awoke from the sedative, and his face would be the sign that he was her cure for as long as she needed him. 

Our love can be the cure for the illnesses that we face,

When we lose our balance and let people see our disgrace,

Sometimes we never let things go until we let them live,

We grow and show all we know when we let our hearts show love.

James Moriarty - The Devil's DescendantWhere stories live. Discover now