Chapter 30

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Aella was perpetually annoyed at Moran, the way he insinuated that she was one of the creatures that Alina had found. Whatever was going on in his life right now seemed to be none of her business, or anyone else's. He was keeping to his chest so tight she thought he would become so overwhelmed a heart attack would be induced sooner rather than later.

Making the guess that she was something Alina was experimenting on seemed unfair right now, her father was the one that they were both after, the one they both truly cared for and if she had not been there for Moran then he would have had no one. She was the one who trusted John and Sherlock more than him, he was partying in his head like a mad man, drunk on his own insanity. 

"Where are we even going to?" John was in the backseat, his backup, being fully on alert. John loved this feeling of being able to live in fear of his life, holding a gun in his hand, not knowing anything.

"We are going to find Moriarty and the creature he is experimenting on,"

"What is it, Moran?" Aella looked at him, her face was so sweet and innocent he had no choice but to turn around and look away from her just in case he gave anything away too soon. 

"You cannot know, I am sorry,"
"Why does Sherlock get to know?" she hissed disputing him getting to know before her.

"Because, Aella, I am Sherlock Holmes. I get to know the things that people like yourself do not find out till later on,"
"Do I need to fight it?" 

"Why would you need to fight it?" John was unsure why he was so surprised that she was willing to fight a creature of all things, why she was so willing to put her life out there for her father.

"Just in case," she turned back around looking straight ahead. 

When she pulled out her gun, she checked the bullets, pointing it at Moran's head. "Tell me." 

Why was she pointing the gun at his head? She loved him. Her hand was so steady it almost seemed too good to be true, too good that she would even consider pointing it at his head.

Stopping the car, he checked the destination, realising they were only five minutes away. Once the car was parked away, he took off his seatbelt, looking her dead in the eyes. He hated having to do this to her, he hated having to see her so against him. But, he needed to keep it a secret, when she knew, she would be in a state of mind no one would ever be able to start fixing. 

"Tell me, Sebastian," she wiped away under her eye, staring at him, begging like a lost puppy with her eyes. "Tell me!"

She screamed in his face spit flying onto to his forehead, her rage was ever-growing, something she could not control. 

"Then tell me why you healed so quickly," he pulled out the gun from his pocket, pointing it at her head. "Why did you manage to heal within a few days? Most people would be lucky to survive with serious illnesses after it, let alone you get off scot-free."

Removing her seatbelt, she opened the car door, seeing the sat nav in front of her pointing toward the destination. It was a simple route, two lefts and then a right. Easy to remember. She chanted it in her head, putting her hand behind her to take the car door handle, opening it. 

"Don't bother trying to find me, in time you will realise something about me, Moran. You will never love me, you will loath me. You will never see me again. I need to know what it is you know about what she is keeping behind that building,"

Still keeping his gun focussed on her, it was his turn to wipe the emotional stress off of his face, seeing the glossy black focused on her. 

"You know I will always love you, I cannot stop, just tell me," 

"No. No. No, you will never ever feel the same way about me again, no wonder you always chose Alina over me, she was the easy option for you, she was the one that came with no problems,"

"We all come with problems!" 

"Just leave, Moran. Do not bother following me, I cannot have you take this away from me now, I was this close to being independent and you wrecked it,"

"Wrecked what?" he did not understand what she was getting at, but now he knew. 

"She told you, didn't she. I am among their kind, that she is keeping something in there I am related to. You just cannot seem to think of a good reason why I deserve to know,"
"I wish you understood..." 

"I do understand!" she wiped away the torrential downpour of tears, streaming from her eyes. "That thing that you call 'it' is my sister, my own sister. Alina was the only one that ever knew, and now I don't have anyone because my sister, or 'it' is in there being tortured, and she showed the face of my father Moriarty to that creature in there, day in day out, and you knew, or else you would not have come. Well, guess what, she is dying, and soon enough my father will too. I will have no family because you killed my mother, you killed my father, you are killing my half brother, and now your killing my sister, and now me. Your nothing anymore, Moran. I hope you can live with yourself. I hope you can live with yourself. Well, what is life for you anymore?"

She slammed the car door shut, grabbing one of the hunting rifles from the footwell of the car, slipping her handgun into her pocket, and getting ready for one hell of an evening. If he had told her sooner, this could have all been prevented, but he knew this day was coming. For some reason, he did not see the reasoning behind letting her know the battle of all time was coming. Now, she might have to hunt her sister down to protect her from the onslaught of testing and prodding, to protect her father from being killed by her. Time to shine. Time to sing the song that can bring death. Mycroft was dying, and Sherlock had no idea...

Sherlock, I need you to get out of the car with John, I need you to know

Your brother is dying, Sherlock - AM

Death will kill you if you let it take root,

Catch it so quickly before it becomes a brute,

Some things happen for reasons we don't know,

Now all things were coming to an end without the blood to show.

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