Chapter 28

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Moran grabbed his gun and slid it into its case, moving his hand to the car wheel, looking between him and Aella to make sure she was ready for whatever it was that they were about to encounter. They had prepared thoroughly for every eventuality, ensuring all of Moriarty's men were ready on the sides just in case they needed to jump in and provide their assistance. 

Turning on the engine, he set the car off in the direction that was necessary for them to be going in. They could not help but feel the thrill of being able to engage in some sort of criminal activity. Imagining all of the different things they were about to be subjected to, perhaps even showing how they feel toward Alina for the betrayal she had done.

"Do you know which one of you told the police about the Chambers?" 

"It was Alina, she had told me she would before I even knew they were my fathers. What did you think I should have done? You were all Alina back then,"

"I did not even expect you to do anything for me," he turned his eyes to the road driving away to the destination he only knew.

"What was it she was testing on?" it was her turn to ask him a question instead of him asking the questions all of the time.

"She had found something, something that made people feed their desires of guilt deep inside of them,"

"Did you see it? What she had found and was testing on?"

"No, but she went insane when she heard the things feed her its song like it was nothing. Apparently, there are many of them among us, those of which she has been wanting to see in the flesh, those of which she knows to exist,"

"What are they?"

"I haven't seen it, Aella," he looked away from her, he knew exactly what it was that she wanted to know and he was not going to give it up all that easily. 

"Yes you did, and once again you protect her, Moran. Always," when she started crying, he saw how hurt she was for him not telling her.

She should have been more focused on making sure her father was okay, but now she was more concerned about what she was being subjected to all this time.

"A mythological creature of the sea, Aella, I fail to believe or take her word in the matter so ignored it when she said what it was, what she had found, what she had discovered,"

"What was it?" this time Aella was a lot more firm with him, she had to know what she might see when they infiltrated her laboratory.

"I will tell you when we get there."

For the remainder of the journey, they sat in a silence that was never actually very uncomfortable. It was quite tense with the unusual situation they were both faced with regard to the man involved being their father and boss. Best friend. 

Moran stopped the car after about an hour of intense traffic, going out to get Aella out of the car. When she looked outside the window, she saw they were outside of the hospital in London.

"I am fine! I just heal a little bit too quickly,"

"No, it's not for you. Just get out,"


"We need all the help we can get for this."

She willingly followed him into the hospital to go and see why they were there exactly, she had not managed to grasp why they were, the specifics were still something that she was unaware of.  When they walked in, everyone moved like the parting of the Red Sea, all eyes were fixed on her. That was the moment she remembered why they were looking at her. They had seen her on the television shooting people dead by her hand, she showed no sign of remorse when she did so, why? No one had ever seen someone not even think about their actions, even her father thought for at least one second before he shot someone. Now, everyone remembered her as the murderer.

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