Chapter 3; Shit

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It takes me a second to comprehend what had just happened. She was dead. I saw it. She died in the water. She wasn't breathing and was cold as ice. Did I just imagine that she used her hands to disarm the jets and make them drop out of the sky? She's lying on the floor in front of me. I'm still on my knees in disbelief when I see Nat and Bucky sprint over to her and check her pulse. The look utterly bewildered. "Steve? She's alive. Steve!" Bucky's harsh tone pulls me back and I jump up and run over to her. I place my fingers on her throat and feel a pulse. It's weak but it's there. Oh my God!
She starts to shiver and I rip my jacket from around her shoulders and remove her soaking clothes. "Find me a blanket! Anything! We need to keep her warm!" I shout to Nat as she runs off to grab something. I peel my wet t-shirt off my back and wrap her in my arms, trying to use my body heat to warm her up. She's freezing, but the colour is slowly returning to her face. Nat throws something heavy around us and I pull her closer to my chest. "What the fuck just happened?" Nat asks. Her face is contorted. "She did it, Ellie stopped the HYDRA jets!" Bucky answers, mirroring Nat's confusion. I'm barely listening. All my attention is on Ellie's body, clinging to mine. She alive. I don't care what she's just done. She's alive. Tears are stinging my eyes again as Tony leaps into the jet and drops to his knees. "Steve?" his voice is confused and broken but his eyes are alive with hope. "She's alive, Tony!" He smiles and touches her cheek before whipping around and screaming at Clint; "Turn around! We need to get her to HQ now!" He nods at me, once, and grips my shoulder with his hand. It's shaking. "Keep her safe. I'm going to go and tell Fury. I'll see you there." He glances at Ellie again, his lips tremble before he jumps back out of the jet. 
Nat, Bucky and the rest of the team join Clint and I have her to myself. With no one looking, I let the tears flow. I cradle her and rest my chin on top of her head. "Ellie, Ellie please hang on. I've got you, baby. You're going to be okay, you hear me?"
Clint touches down onto the roof of HQ and before the ramp is fully down, I vault out the door with Ellie in my arms and sprint up to the hospital floor. My strength and speed seem to be back to normal, but I know the woman in my arms, the love of my life, breathing again, has a lot to do with that.  I burst through the door to find Tony, Fury and Hill hurrying to set monitors up for Ellie beside a bed. I place her down and move her hair out if her face. Bucky and Bruce aren't far behind me and have to force me to leave the room while the doctors work on her. "Please. Please save her." I whisper as Bucky leads me out. 
She's in that room again, now. Her cheeks are pale with nerves but her beautiful full lips are pink. I'm standing in a smaller room next to hers. The mirrored glass is dark but I know she can see me. Bruce wouldn't let me stay in the room with her, much to my protesting, but I eventually agreed to leave on the condition that I was allowed to stay here, keeping an eye on her. 
I've been so distracted with the sheer joy of Ellie being alive that I haven't fully comprehended everything that has just happened. She's enhanced. That son of a bitch jabbed her with something we know nothing about, thanks to my tainted blood. I'll never forgive myself for that. I should have known he would never had let her go. 
Yesterday, when she finally awoke I thought all my prayers had been answered. I didn't care one bit that she had new capabilities. She was here, that's all that mattered. But when I touched her, I could see it in her eyes straight away. She didn't know me. Panic hit me like a bus when I saw the fear in her face as I tried to calm her down. Then she attacked us. She must have been so terrified and there was nothing I could do to help. That killed me. I tried my best to help her remember, to recognize me but she was too distressed. As furious as I was with Nat for knocking her out, I'm actually relieved in a way. Those Military bastards had tried to shoot her! When she was safely back in her bed I approached Fury and it took Buck, Tony, Bruce, Hill and Clint to pull me off him. He assured me he gave no authorization to the soldiers to fire and that they have all been reprimanded. But she held her own. The bullets didn't touch her, thank God. She stopped them. She stopped them with her hands. I was in shock but so thankful at the same time. Bruce truly believes she'll regain her memories. She has to. She's been through enough and has lost enough in her life. But even if her memory doesn't come back, I'll be with her. I'll be whatever she needs me to be. She might not fully know who I am, but I will never give up hope. 

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now