Chapter 15; What else is new?

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"What?" Steve chokes on his words as his palms grip either side of my face in relief. His eyes are filled with tears and I run my thumb across his eyelid, catching one.

"I remember everything, Steve. And I'm so sorry for how I treated you. All those horrible things I said and that mess with Bucky! Oh God! And my job in Boston and Josh and,-" I cringe and try to cover my face with my hands but his hands tighten around my cheeks as he chuckles; "You worry too much. Tony took care of Boston and we'll get Bucky back, El." I open my mouth to argue but lips are on mine, suddenly. My breath catches as I feverishly move my lips against his. God I've missed him

His tongue moves deep inside my mouth as our wet lips wrestle against each others. I have to pull away to catch my breath, feeling light headed all of a sudden. Steve notices and hops off the bed to grab me a glass of water as I throw my head on my pillow. I look around the room properly for the first time and don't recognize anything. I look down at my tired, sore body. I'm wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. How did I get into these? My cheeks turn pink and Steve slides back onto the bed beside me, eyeing me cautiously. "Where are we, Steve?"

I sip my water, still slightly dizzy from the kiss. He just stares at me, not speaking. Just staring at me, taking in every inch of my face.

"What?" I ask, embarrassed and automatically lower my head. His finger and thumb catch my chin, gently lifting my head up to meet his gaze. "Ellie. You have no idea how happy I am right now." He smiles, tears filling his eyes again. "Steve. Loki and Bucky and the tess-," His fingers are over my mouth, silencing me, playfully. "I know. But we'll deal with all of that. And I know I'm meant to be America's hero and save the world and all of that but right now, all I care about is that you've come back to me." He lowers his head now and sniffs, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his grey hoodie. "That night in Jersey, I thought I lost you Ellie. You were gone. When Malik threw you over the building something inside me exploded. And when I pulled your cold, lifeless body out of the water and saw you and I couldn't save you. And I,-" he trails off, unable to finish his sentence through the smalls sobs leaving his chest. I grab his face and lift his head, gazing into his weepy ocean blue eyes.

"Steve I'm okay now." I try to comfort him but his head is shaking violently. He pulls me up into his lap and cradles me against him. I can feel his toned, huge body against me and my heart flutters. "I can't describe to you the overwhelming joy I felt when you were suddenly standing in the jet, stopping the HYDRA planes with you new powers. I was in absolute awe. I still am. Yes you didn't know me and as devastated as I was, I always had hope that you would find your way back. You've handled everything so amazingly. You saved me again the other night, El. You are the most incredible woman I have ever met. I will never, ever, let anything hurt you again, Ellie. I promise." He kisses the top of my head, hard and tightens his grip on me. I raise my head to look into his eyes. "Steve, I wish you would stop saying that. It's like you're jinxing us." I try to laugh to lighten the tension but his face is like stone.

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep. I have this... this thing inside of me and I'm still not sure what it does. I'm not sure I ever will but all I know is that it scares the living shit out of me. You need to stop saying you won't let anything hurt me. You need to know that you cannot protect me from everything. This is my life now and there's always going to be something or someone trying to destroy the world. I am going to figure out how to use my abilities properly and who knows, maybe I'll be the one who takes down that mother fucker Loki." I don't risk glancing up at him, I'm afraid of what his face is silently saying. "As scared as I am with my new life, I also feel strangely strong and, and powerful. I know I can do good with it. I know I can. But these memories or whatever they are about him and my mom and her friend are haunting me, Steve. I know something terrible happened back then and I have a horrible feeling that my mother was involved more than she should have been. Something's not right and no one will tell me the truth but It's eating me alive. If I'm stuck with these fucking super powers if that's what they are then I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight with everything I have to take Loki down and make sure he's stopped and get Bucky back."

I feel myself trembling after I finish my speech. I had no idea I was going to say all of that. I peek my head up to meet Steve's eyes. I expect him to look mad or frustrated but he's staring at me with a look I don't really understand. His mouth is slightly open and his eyes are wide with what looks like admiration? I can feel his heart beat quickly inches from mine. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Ellie Hart. I fucking love you," he whispers in a hoarse voice that make me shiver.

"Language, Captain." I smile, flirtatiously as I glimpse a look in Steve's eyes that I haven't seen for a long, long time. It makes me weak. I bite my lip as his body tenses around mine. "By the way, how did I get into these clothes, Rogers?" I playfully tug at the hem of the white t-shirt, lifting it slightly so my stomach is exposed. His eyes widen even more as he takes my flesh in but his cheeks are turning red. I lean in so my lips brush his earlobe. "Did you remove my dress, Captain? tut tut." His hands tighten around my waist as a low growl escapes his throat.

Ellie, hello? What the hell are you doing? There's a psycho on the lose who has brainwashed Steve's and your best friend and wants to destroy the planet!

"What else is new!" I whisper to myself and laugh.

Steve doesn't seem to hear me. His face is in my hair and his hands are running up and down my back while a soft moan slips from his lips. I turn my body around to try and get more comfortable but his hands are now wrapped around my waist, tightly and he pulls me up so that I'm facing him and straddling his hips.

His lips crush mine with desperation and desire and I lock my arms around his huge neck, grabbing fists full of his dark blond, wild hair. His hips move in eagerness beneath me and I can feel him stiffen. "Now, now Captain. I don't think this is the time or place," I tease as I let my bottom lip trace his collar bone. A small groan rushes from his pink full lips as his hands move up my thighs and grab my ass. I moan into his ear with pleasure.

"Ellie. You're amazing. You're right though. This probably isn't the time but it's as you said; there's always going to be something in our way." He flashes me a devious smile that make me giggle. "But not tonight. Tonight I'm not taking my God damn hands off you," he whispers and I feel his right hand move under my t-shirt. His soft fingers graze the fabric of my bra and I smile into his neck. "You better not." I growl and he kisses me with such passion and desire that it makes my head spin.

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now