Chapter 2; Try to remember

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"What are the results telling us, Bruce? When will she remember everything?" A quiet voice whispers.

"Steve, we have to be patient. Ellie is experiencing a devastating trauma that is no doubt causing psychological problems. I do think she'll fully regain her memory but it will take time." A higher pitches male voice answers. I can feel a hand on mine, squeezing lightly. It feels nice.

"And what about her-, well the thing she did with her hands?" A woman's voice asks, concerned.

There's a deep sigh and the man named Bruce says; "It's difficult to get a reading of her capabilities, Nat. The doctors and myself believe that the serum Malik injected her with hasn't enhanced her physically as such. She hasn't got super strength and agility like Steve and Bucky. She's still Ellie, but she seems to be able to emanate some kind of protective force field when she's stressed or upset." Bruce says, quietly.

Force field? No one speaks for a few moments but I can hear my monitor beeping faster and louder. The hand on mine squeezes again. I try to move my hand away but realise it's stuck to the bed. I start to move my other hand but that's also impossible. My breath hitches and I wince and groan. My eyes dart open and I look around the room, cautiously. Tony is standing at the foot of my bed with, I assume, the man called Bruce. The handsome blond man is the one holding my hand. His name is Steve, right? My eyes dart down to where our hands are intertwined and I can see a thick leather strap clasped tightly around my wrist. I whip my head over to my other arm and another heavy strap holds my wrist in place against the soft sheets. I feel like I should panic but after hearing what the man named Bruce said about me, I realise I must have hurt someone and these are on me for my protection... and others'.

"Ellie?" Steve's soft, weary voice finds my eardrums. I raise my head and look deep into his eyes. He told me we know each other. Do we? I mean I recognise him, I think. His bright blue eyes are kind and familiar. But the look on his pained face makes me feel like our relationship is more than just knowing each other. I don't dare speak. My eyes fall down as his thumb softly rubs the back of my hand, trying to calm me. It's working. My breathing is slowly returning to normal and the surge of electricity that had started to build up within me is still strong, but it's centered around my heart, now, making it beat quickly.

I look around the room, slowly, trying to wrack my brain and focus on the nervous faces returning my gaze. Tony is my brother. He's Iron man. I know that. The blond man...Steve? Steve... He's a super hero too. I think. He must notice a look on my face as I try to place everyone because his breathing is suddenly faster and his grip on my hand tightens. The woman with the red hair takes a step closer to me and hands me a photo. It's in a yellow frame and my eyes widen as I stare at it. It's me and her. We're all dressed up and holding fancy cocktails and laughing. A flash of some memory hits my brain, sharply. A party. A man holding my wrist, harshly and Steve is there, darting the man a dangerous look. My eyes whip up and meet Steve's face. He looks so sad. Then I remember lying on something cold and wet wearing the dress I'm wearing in this photograph. I'm in Steve's arms and he's holding my freezing body, protectively, against his strong, muscular chest. I feel my cheeks go pink and swear I see Steve's lips twitch. I quickly avert my gaze from him and look at the woman next to me. "Nat?" I say slowly, nodding. I remember her. We're friends. "Hey, El." She sighs and wipes her eye on her sleeve. Tears are stinging my eyes now. Nat! It's Nat!

I stare at her, grateful to remember. She plonks herself up on my bed and playfully punches my upper arm. "How are you feeling?" She smiles but I stare down at my restraints and shoot her a pleading look. Steve notices and releases my hand. I suddenly miss the feel of his gentle touch. "It's just a precaution, El. We're not sure how strong this.. thing is inside you and we just want to keep everyone safe." She says, quietly. Another flashback of me running down a corridor in a hospital gown and turning around to see Malik's corpse like body chasing me burns behind my eyes. I raised my hands and shot out something that made him fall to the ground in pain. But it wasn't him. It was Steve. I close my eyes tight and shake my head trying to remove the image of Steve's terrified eyes scanning mine. "Guys, can you give us a minute?" Nat asks, sternly and Tony and Bruce turn to leave. I catch Tony's eye and he winks at me. He has a sling around his arm that I don't think he had before. "Did I do that?" I hear myself asking, like a naughty child. Tony turns back to me and smiles, "Don't worry about it, you didn't know what you were doing. The important thing is that you're alive. You definitely get your bad ass side from me, kid." He winks and leaves the room with Bruce. Steve is hanging back, his body is tense and he stares at Nat with desperation. "Steve, go. You can come back in a little while. We need some girl talk," Nat winks at me and I smile, ever so slightly. Steve sighs and takes a step closer to me. He's standing a foot or so away from my bed and he looks really nervous. "Ellie, I know you don't remember much about me, but I'm here. I'll be here whenever you're ready. I'm not going anywhere." His voice is deep and low and as his serious beautiful eyes penetrate mine a warm tingle shoots up my spine. Jesus, who is he? I swallow hard and nod. This stranger should be making me nervous, uncomfortable even, but he isn't. "Can-, Can I just ask one thing?" He says quietly, bending over me slightly. I nod again and try to control my breath.

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now