Chapter 11; Something's wrong

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I scramble to my feet just in time to hear the deafening thump that smacks Bucky in the chest, causing him to fly through the air and hit the ground. The look in Steve's eyes is terrifying. He starts to walk towards Bucky, chest heaving under his t shirt and his face is bright red with anger. I press my hands against his chest, trying to stop him. "Steve, stop! What are you doing?" He yanks my hands away and stomps over to Bucky. He's shouting now. "How could you do that! I thought you were my best friend!" His raises his arm to punch Buck, again but I'm still in front of him, pleading; "Steve! Stop this is crazy! And frankly none of your business." Steve's eyes dart between mine and Bucky's who is slowly getting back to his feet and holding his chest.

"Steve, nothing happened." Bucky says, quietly, his face etched with sorrow. "It didn't look like nothing to me!" Steve takes a step towards Bucky, again but I stand my ground, glaring into his crazed blue eyes. "Again, it's actually none of your business, but if you must know, I was the one who tried to kiss Bucky, he said no!" My screaming falters as I pull back, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. "It was a mistake. A moment of weakness." I'm whispering now, ashamed.

Steve is staring at me, I can feel it, but my head is looking at my feet, I don't want to look at him. "A mistake? I don't know, Ellie, it looked like you knew exactly what you wanted just then." His tone is sharp, cutting. It makes me whip my head up and scoff; "What is it to you anyway? I don't belong to you, Steve Rogers. Shit, I can't even remember you!" I stare into his eyes and immediately regret my words. His face looks like what I said physically hurt him. I bite my bottom lip then try to speak, but nothing happens.

"Steve, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have allowed myself to get so close. I just wanted to protect her but she is right though, she can do whatever she wants." Bucky says, stronger now. I snap my head between him and Steve in bewilderment. "Hello? I'm right here and I do not need you two to protect me!" Anger is raging inside of me and my hands are tingling. Steve ignores me as I see the anger returning to his face as he moves me out of the way, effortlessly and walks over to Bucky, his whole, huge body tense. "Stay away from her." Steve snarls. Bucky squares his shoulders to Steve. "No, Steve. She's my friend and as long as she wants me around, I'm not going anywhere." The tension between the two of them is frightening and it looks like they're about to kill each other. This is madness!

I have to try to do something.

After a second, both of their right fists are raised, ready to attack when a burst of electricity shoots out from my raised arms causing their fists to hit an invisible brick wall. They look at each other in confusion before realising what's going on. When their eyes find mine, I pull my hands a few inches apart and it's like Steve and Bucky are magnets. As my hands move, so do they're bodies. My powers are pulling them apart, hurtling them towards the ground, away from each other.

I've no idea how I just did that but it completely drains me. My head is spinning and I tumble to the ground. "Ellie!" I hear them both scream but it's Steve who gets to me first. I feel like I'm about to throw up. Steve holds my cheek in his hand and his eyes scan mine. His anger has completely diminished now, he just looks so worried. I shake my head and pull his hand away, trying, unsteadily, to stand. I stare at both of them, not really sure of what to say. God, how did I get myself into this mess. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to have to do that but I couldn't let you two hurt each other because of me." My voice is low, shaky. "I think we all have enough to be worried about without this."

Steve's face is contorted and his eyes are glistening. "Steve..." I stop. I have no idea what to say to him. Standing there, seeing him look so hurt and vulnerable make my heart ache. "It's okay, Ellie. You don't have to say anything. If you want him, you can have him." He says, curtly and brushes past me up the hill, without looking back. I suddenly feel really guilty and turn to Bucky, my eyes filling with tears. "Bucky, I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I-, I guess I'm just a so angry and confused and lonely." My voice breaks on the last word. I hadn't realised how true that was until I said it allowed. Bucky nods and looks at his feet, like a sad puppy. "It's okay, Ellie. You know, not kissing you was one of the hardest things I've had to do in a while. But I couldn't do that to him and I also didn't want you to regret it." I furrow my brow and stare at him. He smirks, softly and brushes my wet hair away from my eyes. "When you get your memory back, you'll understand." He sighs and leaves too. I stare after him, my mouth hanging open.

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now