Chapter 21; It can't be real

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Chapter 21; It can't be real

"Steve? Tell me. Now!" I'm screaming at him, furious and terrified. He looks at me with heartbroken eyes.

"Ellie, you need to understand something, first. You need to know that I only kept this from you to protect you. You were remembering this after a life altering, traumatic event. I spoke to Fury and he warned me not to tell you. We were terrified you wouldn't be able to handle it." His voice is high pitches and frantic.

I can't say anything. I just stare at him, breathing quickly in and out of my nose. He continues, nervously. "The house you were at back when you were a child. That house belonged to someone in S.H.I.E.L.D. Someone who your mother knew. Someone who could help." He's staring at his feet now, nervous.

"Ellie the woman who owned that house, is Peggy Carter."

My head is spinning. My heart is pounding against my chest and I feel like I'm about to vomit. I glare at him, in complete shock. "What did you just say?" It doesn't make sense. None. Why would my mother turn to a retired, aging S.H.I.E.L.D agent? "I don't understand." I can't think straight. I lean against the wall for support.

"Ellie. Your mother wasn't Howard Stark's cleaner. She worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. She was part of the team that was working on the tesseract, trying to figure it out." Steve has tears in his eyes now. He tries to hold my hand but I pull it away.

"You're on crack! My mother was a cleaner. She never even finished college. How could she have worked as a scientist for S.H.I.E.L.D?" My voice is two octaves higher than usual. I'm pacing the room, laughing at his ridiculous story.

"Ellie, listen to me. Your mother was a brilliant scientist who fell in love with Howard Stark while working with him. When you found out about your father she lied to you about how they met. But she did it to protect you."

I shake my head, manically. "No, no! My mother cleaned for Howard in his office and they had an affair and she got pregnant with me and left."

"Ellie. A lot of that is true. She did fall in love with Howard, who was married and had Tony but when she found out she was pregnant she left. Not only him, but her work at S.H.I.E.L.D too. She knew what they were working on so too dangerous and she didn't want to raise her child in that environment so, she left. While working at S.H.I.E.L.D she and Peggy became good friends, although Peggy was much older than your mom." He stops, now, thinking hard. I try to swallow the bile that's rising in my throat. This still doesn't make sense. He's lying.

He sits down on the end of the bed and stares at me. I stop pacing but I can't look at him.

"When she was leaving him, he did try to convince her to stay. He was going to leave his wife and Tony and raise you with her. He wanted Grace to keep working on the tesseract. They were so close to figuring out how it works and how to utilise its power. But she refused. She spoke to Peggy. She confided in her, trusted her. Your mother's mind was made up. She didn't want that life anymore. All she wanted was you. She left it all behind. But when you were five years old, the tesseract came to life. Howard and the remainder of the team didn't know what was happening. Howard asked your mom to come in as a massive favour to see if she could understand what was going on. There was a massive explosion and then Loki was there. He tried to steal the tesseract, killing everyone but Grace and Howard. Your mother escaped, but she took the tesseract. She ran and Loki tried to find her. A year he spent looking for it but your mother kept off the grid, making it impossible for him. Then, when you were six, you, you were playing in your mom's room and you found it. It was hidden in a small bag but you took it out and somehow reactivated it." His voice is so quiet. Oh God, no.

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