Chapter 22; You'll kill them all

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I swallow, hard. Half of me wants to turn around and run out the door, screaming. But the other half feels compelled to stay. I feel like my feet are glued in place. I'm equal parts; petrified, furious and intrigued.

He slowly stands up from his small bed and stalks over to the window. I hadn't noticed that I'm only standing about a foot away from the ten inch thick glass. He smiles and I suddenly forget how to breathe. "What's wrong, bad dreams keeping you up? Or is it something else? Some shocking truths maybe?" his voice is chilling but I panic when I realise it makes me both sick and excited.

A low growl escapes my throat, eliciting a chuckle from Loki. "Ah, humans... so stupid and weak. But not you, Ellie. You interest me. You could be great, you know. Very powerful. With guidance, of course. I can help you."

I snap my head up at his familiar words. They make me feel sick again. Loki raises one eyebrow and purses his lips. "You know, you really are quite beautiful. I understand why the Captain is so taken with you... among others of course."

"You're the fucking devil." I snarl and spit at the glass.

He laughs even harder now, throwing his head back in delight. "Such spunk. You have not changed since you were a child. I admire that. Still such spirit. Although, I can't be sure... but I'm sensing there's some unease within you? Maybe some confusion and anger? What's the matter? Feeling hurt? Betrayed? I don't blame you. If I just found out the truth about my family history, from a man who I thought loved me, but has actually been lying to me, I'd feel terrible too. I'd want revenge. I'd want wreak havoc." He smiles his wide sadistic smile that makes my stomach turn.

My body is trembling again. My blood feels like it's about the catch fire and I try to swallow the vomit that's rising in my throat, again but I also feel strangely at ease. I can't explain it. It's like I'm drawn to him. It terrifies me.

"So, Ellie. Tell me. What has you down here, visiting me on this pleasant morning? Let me guess; you just couldn't keep away, yes?" He's toying with me. He has me right where he wants me but I don't want to leave.

I walk even closer to the glass, so close that my nose is pressing up against it. "Why are you doing this? You say humans are weak and stupid, why do you need us? What's so special? Are you that fucking insecure that you need to have people grovelling at your feet? What's wrong, Loki? Little man syndrome, is it?" I surprise myself by the power in my voice. But it doesn't last long.

He's suddenly at the glass, both hands pressed up against it and smirking. "Oh, Ellie. We both know I am not the one who is feeling insecure. I can see inside you. I know what you're feeling and why. You have just learned the truth about your mother. You have just learned that your whole life has been a lie and that the one person you thought you could trust has been lying to you. It must be so hard. If I were you, I would want to get as far away from this place as I possibly can. I would want to go somewhere where I would be loved, worshiped, adored. Somewhere where I could be myself, without the constant fear of feeling worried, scared and dangerous. You could be great. The most powerful woman on your planet. All you need is a little guidance. You can come be with me and your good friend Bucky. He loves you, you know. He wants to be with you. To protect you. So do I, Ellie. I will take care of you. Better than anyone."

His words make my head spin. The mention of Bucky's name makes my feel sick. "What have you done with Bucky? Where is he?" I yell, banging my hands on the glass.

"Oh, he's safe... for now. I'm not quite finished with him, yet. He is of great use to me, still. And he has shared some very interesting details of his past... very interesting, indeed." Loki paces his glass cell now, seeing me every step of the way. I hate this man. I hate him with every ounce of my being. But there's something about him that I can't put my finger on. He.. he makes me feel... I don't even know. I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling but it feels a lot like infatuation.

He stops walking and turns to look me, dead on. That evil smile, stretched widely across his face. I'm biting the inside of my cheek so hard that I can taste blood and my fingers are digging into my clenched palms. I'm trying to control the building electricity in my veins. I don't want to let him know that he's getting to me. "Oh, Ellie. I wish you would realise that you don't have to hide from me. You can't. I know everything about you. How to came to have your magnificent powers, how brave you are, determined.. just like your mother." His face is serious now. Almost kind. But his words sends a violent shiver up my back.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother." My hands are shaking violently and Loki holds up his hands to he glass. "I did not hurt your mother, Ellie. I was in awe of her bravery. She risked her life to save you. I did not harm her. Steve was lying to you. He wants you to feel guilty. He wants you to feel like all of this is you fault. So does your bother. They want to keep you hidden, scared. They're afraid of you. They're afraid of how powerful you can be. All they see is a scared young woman who is a liability. That's why everyone lied to you, Ellie. They think you're weak. Dangerous."

My hands are pressed against my ears. I don't want to hear this. I don't want to hear the truth. "No!" I whisper, shaking my head before I let it rest against the glass. My mind is reeling and I can't stop the tears that are spilling from my exhausted eyes.

"You wouldn't have to hide with me, Ellie. If you came with me you would be free. Powerful. Adored. Feared." His head is against he other side of the glass now. I can almost feel his warmth. The sound of u heart pounding against my ear drums makes it difficult to ear. I feel like I'm underwater.

"Ellie, look at me." His voice is like velvet, it makes my knees weak. I raise my head and stare into his hypnotic blue eyes. I can feel a presence behind me. Someone's here but I can't remove my eyes from Loki's. I'm paralyzed.

"Ellie. They're all lying to you. They don't trust you. They're afraid of what you'll do to them. They're afraid you'll hurt them. I can see your future, Ellie. I know what will happen if you stay here. You've seen it too. I know you have. You'll kill them, Ellie. You'll kill them all."

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now