Chapter 13; It's all too much

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His chilling laugh ceases as he stands up from behind the desk and walks towards me. I risk a glance out the window but it seems that more brainwashed agents have arrived with Bucky, keeping the whole team occupied. Steve is trying to fight them off, constantly looking towards me with horror in his eyes but every time he floors one agent, three more are on him as well as Bucky.

I turn back to Loki, trying to not show him how petrified I am. I square my shoulders and feign confidence. "So, what's your plan, then? Are you going to kill me?" I ask, trying to hide my shaky voice. He smirks, widely and chimes; "Oh no no no, If I wanted you dead Ms. Hart you'd be dead. I have a sneaking feeling that my time on this measly planet is going to be much more interesting with you still breathing." I gulp as he positions himself in front of me. The clothes he was wearing when he was pretending to be Bucky disappear and he's now wearing his strange green and black costume with massive gold horns resting on top of his head and holding a walking stick with a green shining from the tip.

"You know, I must admit, I was hoping you all could have made it a little more difficult for me. But alas, I continuously underestimate the stupidity of the human race. In a matter of mere moments, I will have the tesseract and your time as a pathetic race will soon be over." He takes a lock of my hair in his fingers and plays with it while he muses. I yank my head away and he laughs.

"You're still just as feisty as the last time I saw you. That's amusing," he whispers in my ear and I whip my head away from him in disgust. "Don't touch me! You'll lose, you know." I shout, rage bubbling to the surface. He grins, wider and more evil than ever and takes my chin in his hand, throwing my head against the wall. It sends a sharp pain darting through my skull and my eyes go blurry. "Your mother isn't here to stop me this time, Ms. Hart. And I'm afraid your particular new found capabilities will be no match for me and my army." I shake my head and try to focus my eyes. What the fuck is he talking about? "Tell me what happened that day. What did you do to her, you bastard!"

He spots the confusion in my eyes and pouts, dramatically. "All in good time. You will know the truth soon but come now, you didn't think I wouldn't be checking up on you all this time did you? And with Mr. Barnes now under my control, he was able to fill me in on everything I have missed. Oh yes... there is so much you don't know Ms. Hart. But you have been a busy girl, haven't you? Saving the world, becoming enhanced only to have your memories wiped. Pity. Although I feel you may be some help to me. Yes. You're going to be the one who secures the tesseract for me." I feel myself growl and my trembling hands ball into fists. "Fuck you." I raise my palms and try to blast him with my force field but his hand strikes me across the face, disorientating me. Then something heavy and metal is wrapping around my wrists, pinning them behind my back. "Let me go!" I scream, trying to free myself but my hands are useless. The energy that was surging through my body is gone. This thing that's around my hands is disabling it and making me weak. He yanks me by the back of the neck and leads me out the door. "Resistance is futile. I know much more about your powers than you ever will." He laughs.

"They won't give you the tesseract." I try to convince him, but I know that isn't true. "Oh, but I think they will. You seem to have a particular hold on so many of them... especially the Captain." The sound of the fighting is louder now as I stumble, dizzily, through the foyer. I try again to break free and use my powers but it's pointless. I feel weaker by the second and the pain in my head is intensifying. I can just about make out the blurry bodies in front of me. They're holding their ground but my heart drops when I see Steve lying on the floor, struggling to breathe against Bucky's metal arm. He's strangling him. "Stop him! Please stop him!" I scream but Loki merely chuckles. I try to run over to Steve but Loki's hand is now around my neck, squeezing the life out of me. "Enough, fools. Stop trying to fight you're way out of this. You cannot win." His words act like commands to the agents trying their best to kill the Avengers. They turn to Loki and look like statues. Bucky releases his death grip on Steve who is coughing and wheezing while struggling to get to his feet. His eyes lock with mine and fear cripples me. "No! Let her go!" Steve Screams but Loki raises his hand and a dagger flies through the air stopping a millimetre away from Steve's throat, stopping him in his tracks. I scream in protest but the sound is cut off.

A new life; A captain America Romance; Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now