Chapter 12; He's real

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I stare at the mountain of a man in front of me as I take a seat beside Steve and glance at Tony, in frightened confusion. He won't meet my eyes. This is bad. Really bad. Bucky catches my eye, then, from across the table. There's a look in his eyes that's frightening me. He looks strange, different.

"Ms. Hart, good to see that you're feeling better. Although, I have a feeling that won't be the case very soon." Fury comments. I just blink at him, panic rising inside me as I wait for the shit to hit the fan. "I had hoped that we wouldn't need to do this but unfortunately, it looks like we're out of time. The team have known what's been happening for some time now but I'm going to let Thor here explain in more detail." Fury says, crossing his arms and nodding to the huge blond man.

Steve grabs my hand under the table and squeezes it. "Lady Hart, I am Thor Odinson of Asgard. I know this will seem strange but I'm here to help your people." He booms. My mouth is open, slightly and I just nod before he continues; "There is someone named Loki, who is planning on using a powerful weapon to destroy your planet. He has an army of beings called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract." Tesseract?

My head starts to spin as I stare at the faces around the room. "Wait a minute. This army? They're from Space? An alien army is going to try to take over earth?" Nat smirks as I try to comprehend the insane words that are coming out of my mouth.

"El. Thor is a God from another world and he's here to help us stop Loki from taking the tesseract." Steve says quietly. I shake my head and try to control my breathing.

"We'll do whatever it takes to stop this crazy bastard." Clint bellows but Thor shoots him a dangerous look. "Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother."

"He killed eighty people in two days." Nat says, curtly.

"He's adopted." Thor shrugs but I glance at Fury now who seems nervous.

"Well if your psycho brother gets his hands on the tesseract, there won't be a damn thing we can do to stop him from opening the portal and bringing that army down to kill us all." Sam pipes up, banging his fist on the table.

"That's not going to happen. The tesseract is safe. Everyone is on the lookout for Loki. He won't be able to get anywhere near it." Tony says, confidently. But everyone's eyes dart to Bucky when he suddenly bursts out laughing. Thor clears his throat. "Ah well, there is one thing I haven't told you about my brother. He has many abilities but his most powerful and useful one is that he can transform himself into any person. I fear that this will be his plan of action and enable him to retrieve the tesseract." Thor says, matter-of-factly. Steve jumps to his feet, nearly overturning the table with the force. "God damn it! Why the hell aren't we in D.C. now if that's the case!" He's fuming and by the look on everyone's shock and irate faces, they're all in agreement. Fury buries his face in his hands and laughs, humourlessly.

Before I can stop myself, I grab Steve's hand and try to pull him back to his chair. He looks at me, shaking his head in frustration, but sits.

"Calm down, Captain. The tesseract isn't at HQ." Fury says, motioning to a large briefcase sitting at his feet.

The entire room falls silent for a moment before bursting into a loud chorus of protest. I sit back in my chair, utterly bewildered by the conversation going on around me. None of this makes sense. I mean, why am I even here? I'm not an Avenger! This is crazy!

"Enough, humans!" Thor's thunderous voice silences everyone. "I am taking the tesseract back to Asgard where it belongs. It will remain under the rightful protection there and Loki will never get his hands on it."

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