Chapter 27
Harry’s P.O.V
“Was that her?” Louis asked, his mouth stuffed with the pizza we had all ordered.
“Yeah” I mumbled, losing my appetite suddenly as her words rang through my ears.
“So?” Zayn asked, pushing my to explain further.
“She’s ecstatic, and she said she’ll meet us here” I said, not making contact with any of them, my phone sitting still unlocked on my lap. I avoided any further any conversation regarding Lou, and gradually I faded out of the conversation and into my own thoughts. What was it going to be like, being around her 24/7? I thought, the idea exciting me. Anger still bubbled in the back of my mind, but I knew that if I was going to get through this, I would have to get over the fact that she had friends. That were guys. I mean, that’s all I was, right? After that night at the hospital, neither of us really made it clear to one another what we were. Hitting a girl with a car doesn’t exactly mean she’s in love with you, idiot. My subconscious mocked me, and I let myself chuckle along with it. My eyes moved to the faces of the five people around me, and I quietly observed, letting my own thoughts be the only thing I heard. These people were my family, and I knew being around Lou as consistently as I’m around them would change things. Was I taking this all too seriously? I asked myself, fiddling with a rip in my jeans as I did so. I mentally punched myself for getting too attached to Lou so quickly, and as the boys voices began to fade back in, I became more self aware. She’s got you crazy, Styles. My subconscious remarked again, and this time, I agreed with it.
Louise’s P.O.V
I woke up far too early, but the excitement pulsing through my body could no longer be controlled with a medically induced slumber. We wouldn’t be leaving for two weeks, like Harry said, but even so, I began to pack. I always had a minimal amount of clothing, I went through my wardrobe almost every month and threw away at least half of my closet in the process. I shoved nearly my entire life into the suitcase, and had space to spare. Still groggy, I slipped into the shower to wake myself up, although I was still buzzing with excitement. When I had finished dressing, I realized that my entire closet was in the suitcase, and I yanked everything aside, sprawling the contents across my bed. It was around 11:45 now, and I waited frantically for Harry to text or call, signaling for me to head to their studio. My heart was pounding in my chest continuously, and nothing I did made it stop. I walked into the kitchen, deciding it stupid to just wait around, and made myself a bowl of cereal. It was nearly noon, but I was used to midday breakfast, seeing as I still didn’t have an actual job. I scrolled through my twitter feed quickly, not interested in the events of the day any further than what was on the news. Leaving my phone on the counter, I turned around, retreating to the sink to wash out my bowl. My hands were nearly shaking from anticipation, and I jumped at the sound of my phone suddenly and loudly piercing the air, catching me off guard. The bowl in my hands practically shattered when I dropped it, hitting the steel frame of the sink, and sending a loud clatter through my flat. I picked up the chipped piece and groaned, throwing it back in the sink, and slowly walking back over to my phone, the source of all of the commotion. My annoyance was overwhelmed with excitement when I saw the text message from Harry, telling me it was time to go to the studio. A wide smile crossed my face, and I let out a short shriek again as I did last night, feeling reality suddenly sinking in. I grabbed my phone off of the counter and headed for the door, grabbing my skateboard on the way. Squinting, the light glinted off of the concrete streets, and I could hardly lock the door behind me, the sun was shining so bright. I stripped myself of my outer flannel layer that I was wearing, and tied it around my waste. Plugging myself into my headphones, I turned on Blink 182, and send myself hurling down the road, towards my dream.