Chapter 20
Louise’s P.O.V
Throughout the night, Luke and I ventured across town, searching for a store that fit my “requirements”, as Luke called it. We rode around town, going to every outlet store we knew of, blasting Blink-182 in his car, and merely enjoying ourselves. My mind was freed of anything and everything, whether it was Harry or not, it all just slipped from my mind. When we finally found a store that had the right shirt, we whaled in sarcastic joy, teasing each other throughout the night. “Took you long enough!” Luke yelled at me when we pulled up to my driveway. “Shutup!” I yelled back, shooting him a playful glance. When we finally stopped our banter, we got out of the car, and Luke walked me up to my door. “Thank you.. for tonight” I said, still chuckling. “Hey, no problem. Call me up again sometime?” He asked, his eyes hopeful as they stared into mine. “Yeah..yeah I will” I said, a smirk crossing my face as I looked at the giddy boy standing in front of me. “Ok, see you then” Luke finally said, leaning in, and wrapping his lengthy arms around me, nearly consuming me. I hugged him back, and prospered it, knowing that I’d be alone soon, and I’d be sucked back into reality. I prospered the feeling that hugging him gave me. He had his hand on the small of my back, as he was much taller than me, and I came to like it. Luke’s cologne was overwhelming, but it wasn’t bad, I enjoyed it. With a sigh, I let go, and waved him goodbye as he walked back down the steps to his car. Still smiling at the night behind me, I turned, unlocked my door, and walked inside.
After a long and much needed shower, I got dressed and got ready for bed. So far I had managed to keep my mind off of Harry, but I had a feeling thoughts of him would haunt me again soon. I walked back to my bedroom, this time not tripping on any shoes due to the light of the moon in my room. The light shone bright through my window, and as I squinted to see the moon, thoughts of Harry flooded into my mind. My mind flashed through images of the hurt expression across his face earlier this evening, and again, the guilt I felt came pouring back. Replaying the night in my head various times, I kept my eyes on the moon outside my window, and eventually dozed off to sleep.
“Haarryyy” I whined, reaching my hands out for him. He was only wearing his black sweatpants, and a sweatshirt, his bare chest exposed underneath the material. His dark tattoos covered his chest, and I marveled at them. “Alright” He said, pulling me towards him. Wrapping my arms around him, I maneuvered my hands under his sweatshirt, placing my hands on the small of his back. His warmth radiated, and I clung to him in an attempt to feel it. This is what I thrived for, the feeling of the warmth of someone you love, and who loves you back. Sighing, I lay my cheek on his bare chest, taking in his scent, and let myself melt into him. Breaking the embrace, he took my hand and guided me over to the large windowsill across the room. We sat across each other, and I concentrated on him wholly. He took his phone out from his pocket, and began to dial, bringing the phone up to his ear after he had finished. “Hello? Dad? It’s me, Harry” He said, his gaze looking fat out of the window. The voice on the other end was loud, and I could almost make out every word the man was saying. “Yeah, yeah everything is going well” Harry said again, running his hand through his dark mess of hair. Have you met anyone? Anyone good? The voice on the other line rang. Fidgeting with my hands, I locked eyes with Harry. “Actually yeah, and she’s really great” Harry responded, his green eyes piercing mine, shooting through to my heart, and making it’s beat quicken. Harry’s words pulsed energy through me, and I felt the same warmth I had before, when I had held him. Keeping his gaze, a smirk crossed his lips, and he hung up the phone. “Come here” He said, still smiling. I scooted closer, and he reached his hands out in the same gesture I had made earlier. Sliding his hands to the small of my back, I embraced the feeling spreading through my body. Pulling back slightly, Harry looked down at me. My gaze met his bright green eyes. Second after my eyes met his, they began to change. His eyes began to change into a deep blue, and his face morphed it’s structure. His hair, before dark and messy, transformed into shorter, blonde hair. I took a step back, startled, and looked at the person in front of me. “Wha..Luke?” I said, frightened. My heartbeat quickened, and I began to blink rapidly, trying to decipher the image in front of me. “No..Harry!” I yelled, trying to make him come back. Shaking my head, I tried to make it go away, but it wouldn’t. “Harry!” I yelled again, this time louder. Shaking myself, the images began to blur together around me, and the room darkened. “Harry” I said again, almost a whisper this time.
I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and blinked my eyes multiple times, making sure everything was real. I looked around the room, looking for any sign of Luke or Harry. Sighing, I tried to catch my breath, and I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest. Shaking my head once more, I threw my sheets off of me, and turned on the light. Rubbing my hands together, I remembered how real it all felt. “Some kind of dream that was” I said out loud to myself, and climbed out of bed.