Chapter 38
Luke's P.O.V
My hands trembled as the four of us walked through the side doors into the back of the venue. It was only 5:45 now and we needed to set up, but I was terrified. My breaths shortened as I followed slowly behind Calum, walking through a maze of doors and curtains. A guy carrying a large speaker with a headset went through a curtain to my left, and as I glanced at him I saw the background behind him, and the entire venue itself. It wasn't a large place but it was bigger than we'd ever played at before, and much more intimidating. I felt the color drain for my face and Calum's hand on my arm, pulling me away from the curtain, but my eyes stayed glued. Terror struck through me as we entered the dressing room, and I strode across the room to the nearest seat. The stage manager debriefed us on everything, when we had to be ready, how much time we had etc, but it was merely noise to me. My head was pulsing with fear and my hands began to sweat, hot flashes running over my body. I looked up at the rest of the guys, and they seemed unphased, like they were used to this. They stood in a circle around the manager, nodding their heads when he spoke, with their arms over their chests. How could they not be nervous? Had they done this before without me? Did they know something I didn't? A million questions arose in my mind, as I sat silently. The boys dispersed and levitated towards their instruments. I lay my head in my hands, my elbows resting on my knees, my foot anxiously tapping the ground. The room grew silent until it was only the sound of my shoes hitting the ground, and I realized they were waiting on me. "I know I'm new and everything but aren't I supposed to be the drummer?" Ashton chuckled at his seat, and I rose to my feet, slowly grabbing my guitar from its stand. "Sorry guys" I turned towards them, my words coming out in mumbles. "I'm just..a bit nervous" I looked towards the floor, slightly embarrassed as it seemed I was the only one. Ashton spoke up.
"Awh mate, which one of us isn't really?" I glanced at the other two and they nodded, and a wave of relief washed over me. Calum took a side step towards me. "But I mean, I get that your nervous, with your girly friend coming and all" he punched my arm playfully before stepping back into his place. My eyes widened and my heart pounded, taking sudden realization to this new information. "Wha-" My voice left me as I turned forward, the chuckles around me fading back into the background, as terror struck me once more.Harry's P.O.V
I stood in front of the mirror glancing over myself once more before straightening my collar. I decided that black jeans and a nice shirt would do, if I was too dressed up someone would notice and say something, so I did the best I could with my formal wear. It was only 6:15 now as I grabbed my keys and made my way out the door, only one thing on my mind. I smiled to myself as I remembered her smile, and how I'd see it once more tonight. All she had done was tore me apart from the beginning, but it was a pain I kept returning to, that I kept forgiving. The reward of seeing her happy once more felt as overwhelming as the pain did, and it numbed it, at least for a while. I drove until I found the venue, parking next to Liam's familiar Honda as I pulled into the parking lot. I straightened my shirt nervously once more as I walked through the door, my palms beginning to sweat as I anticipated how she'd looked. I stood near the front entrance until I finally spotted Liam, walking towards me with a broad smile spread across his face. "Glad you could make it mate!" He yelled over the music and I ducked down to his level so I could hear him. His hand rest firmly on my shoulder as he ushered me towards their table, his nonsense bickering filling my ears as we got nearer to our destination. He stopped once we arrived, and I finally brought my eyes forward. I was brought aback, at the least, by her beauty before me. Her eyes locked with me before I scanned her body, outline in a fitting black dress with one strap over her shoulder, laced with diamonds. I stuttered, breathless before I could speak. "You look beautiful" I yelled over the music, but it was too soft, and she leaned towards me, signaling to repeat it. I took the opportunity to rest my hand on her waist, and kiss both her cheeks before I leaned down to her level. "You look beautiful, love" I smirked as I felt her cheeks warm against mine. She pulled back, but only slightly, mouthing a quick thank you. She turned back to Louis, resuming the conversation they had had before I arrived. I turned to talk to Liam, asking him about the band we were here to see, and the whole time she kept my touch, never straying from my hand resting on her waist. Things had felt like they'd never been corrupted, or touched, as when we had met. The next 45 minutes ticked on as we stayed involved in each others company, discussing the tour and the next year and a half on the road. Even as we found our seats, our hands interlocked and she was never far from me, never leaving my grasp. Everything felt alright, and as the lights dimmed, I felt for a second it would be for awhile. That is, until the lights came up, and standing center stage in the middle of it all was non other than Luke, eyes burning with fear as mine burned into him, fury igniting inside me once more.
Louise's P.O.V
As calm as the evening had ended up to be, my hands still shook with anxiety as the lights dimmed in the large room around us. I knew Luke would be on that stage, and I knew Harry would see him. I knew that, even if it had been okay for the last hour, it wouldn't be after he..they found out, that we'd all be on the road together for almost a year an half. I closed my eyes, hoping that the lights would never come back on and everything could stay this way forever, but that was not the case, and the lights rose once again. I watched Luke's eyes scan the crowd, first finding me, and a small smirk crossing his face before his eyes met Harry's, his smile disappearing. Harry tensed next to me, his hand gripped more tightly around mine as he shifted in his seat. He brought my hand to his face, kissing it, and never breaking eye contact with Luke. I sighed, preparing myself for the rest of the show as I sat back in my seat, closing my eyes once more. I waited for Luke's voice to introduce them, but it wasn't him who spoke first, instead, a different voice filled the room.
"Alright New York, are you ready for this?" A familiar voice rang before the sound of drum sticks filled my ears, counting off their first song. For a moment I sat, trying to grasp where I'd heard that voice before, until I realized it. My eyes shot open and I yanked my hand from Harry's, standing from my seat abruptly. Harry stood with me, his tense figure softening as he brought his hands to my shoulders. "Louise? Louise what is it? What's wrong?" My eyes met his, terrified, before I finally turned and faced the stage, finding the only person I knew that voice would come from. The four boys continued playing as I stood, paralyzed with terror as I gaped from the back of the room. The boy furthest from me, playing the drums, whipped his head around roughly as he played, oblivious that I was there. My throat began to well as I stared at him longer, confirming his identity. Tears blurred my vision, but not my memory, and they didn't stop me from knowing. From knowing that that shaggy headed boy on the stage in front of me, with the loud voice and the boisterous laugh, one that I knew anywhere, was undoubtedly and indefinitely Ashton. And as the music blared and my tears fell and my knees gave in, I fell to the floor, because somehow, that was my brother, and somehow...he was alive.