Harry’s P.O.V
The Next Day
When I finally woke up, I rolled over to look at the clock on my nightstand. Rubbing my eyes, I stretched out my arms and pushed the button on the top, making the red numbers brighter. 12:37, the time read, the blinking lights blinding me. I let out a sigh of relief, knowing that I didn’t have to work today. Putting my hands behind my head, my mind immediately shot to Louise, and last night. For the first time in forever, my subconscious applauded me for my actions, instead of mocking me for them. Smiling at the sheer thought of her, I decided that I’d see her today, and I climbed out of bed. Walking across the hall to my bathroom, I turned the nozzle on my shower to warm, and began to undress. Surprise her. my subconscious told me, actually helping me for once. Stepping into the shower, I ran through idea after idea of how I would surprise her, and finally settled on the typical flowers, dinner, and a movie date. Start slow. I thought, don’t screw this up again.
Louise’s P.O.V
It was only 12:45 when I finally woke up, pretty early for me, being jobless and all these days. I set down my phone after checking the time, rubbing my eyes after they had been shocked by the brightness of my screen. “Well” I said to myself, smacking my mouth to make the dryness go away. Putting my hands behind my head, I reminisced on last night with Harry. I remembered how his lips tasted like mint, and how he ran his fingers through my hair. I didn’t particularly like mint, but on him, it was perfect. When a loud ding rings across my room, I jump, scared out of my trance. Looking around, I realize that it was just my text tone, and I grab my phone. “Let’s get you that new shirt today? xx” Sighing, I mentally smack myself for forgetting about Luke. Twiddling my thumbs, I begin to think of a way to get out of this, but my thoughts are interrupted when another loud ring pierces my ears. “Come on, I owe you one” I read the words across the screen, and I know i can’t get out of this one. Just go, get it over with, and don’t tell Harry until he absolutely needs to know, I think. “ Princeton Dr Appt #6” I text Luke back, pushing the guilt and worry to the back of my mind. Climbing out of bed, I set my phone on my nightstand and head to my bathroom for a shower. How bad could it be? I think, attempting to reassure myself. Just don’t screw up again, my subconscious creeps in, shoving me back into my doubts.