Chapter 8
Louise’s P.O.V
When I wake up, I feel the sharp pain in my arm first. Looking down at my arm, I remember the thick needle in my arm only yesterday, the red substance inside. I make a mental note that it’s Harry’s blood pumping through my veins now, and I chuckle at the thought. Sitting up in the hospital bed, I then feel the cold surface beside me. Harry. No, the absence of Harry. I finally look to my right to realize that he’s not there anymore, and I am alone. I feel the abrupt and heavy weight on my heart from his absence, but I instantly push it back. I can’t let myself believe that something was going on, I can’t do that to myself again. Everyone leaves, it shouldn’t be something I’m not used to already, I think.
Harry’s P.O.V
It’s only around 8 when I wake up to the sun shining through the thin hospital drapes. Yawning, I begin to stretch my arms above my head, until I feel the light touch of her hair on my arm. Slowly raising my arms to rub my eyes, I finally process that I’m still in the hospital with Louise. Bringing my arms back down around her waist, and closing my eyes, I cherish the feeling of holding her as long as I can. 20 minutes have already passed when I open my eyes again. Knowing she will probably be drained from her transfusion, and our “adventure” yesterday, I start to move underneath her, making sure not to wake her up. Finally removing my arm from underneath her head, she groans, and rolls over to her left. I grab my keys, and my bag, gathering all of my belongings. I know I need to put my stuff back in my truck, the nurses are mad enough already that I’ve been here this long. Walking quietly out of her room, I rush down to the back entrance of the hospital, where my car is parked. Throwing my things in the backseat, I grab one of my black T-shirts that I have, and throw it over my shoulder. Shivering at the cold morning air, I decide to start my car, making sure it’s warm when Lou is finally checked out of the hospital. Sitting in the drivers seat, I close my eyes and let out a sigh, smiling from the memories of yesterday. I put the truck into drive, and start driving around to the front of the building, making it easier for Lou to get to. Parking my car, I rush inside, and search for any type of breakfast meal they might be serving, or that I can buy for Louise.