Chapter 16
Harry’s P.O.V
Struggling to hide the gittyness threatening to burst out of me, I quickly follow behind Lou, as she guides me to my car. I know we didn’t know eachother well yet, but being away from her drained the energy from me, and now that we were okay, I felt better than ever. When we got to my truck, we both climbed in, neither of us saying a word. In an attempt to break the silence, I unpaused my radio. When Blink-182 screamed out of the speakers, we both jumped, and I reached to turn in down, sending Lou an apologetic face for my forgetfulness. Before I could turn it down, her hand reached out to stop mine, pulling it back from the volume dial. “Don’t” she said, smirking. “I like this song” she added, closing her eyes, and singing the lyrics. Confused, I looked at her, surprised by her interest in the band. I watched her mouth the song, and suddenly I was lost in her again. As she began to tap the beat of the guitar on her lap, I fell into a trance, my mind only aware of her. The way her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, the way her lips moved with her words, and the way she looked in moments like this. A small smile shown her face, and her slight back and forth movements to the beat of the song. She was completely raw right now, with me and watching her was everything to me. “Harry” she said, her lips moving around the word. “Harry!” she said again, finally snapping me out of my trance. Looking around, I realized I had been staring at her, and we were still at the park. “Oh..Sorry” I remarked, feeling my face drain of color. “You really need to stop doing that” she said, chuckling. “I don’t want to” I said, almost quiet enough so she couldn’t hear it. But of course, she did. Feeling my eyes widen at my own stupidity, I curse myself for thinking out loud. Before I could correct myself, I’m caught off guard by the softness of her lips on my cheek. When she leans back into her seat, I’m stunned in place, completely speechless from her action. “Well, are you going to take me home?” she mocks me, another smug smile playing on her lips. “No, not yet” I respond, still shocked. Acting on my impulse, I’m pulled out of my seat by my own will power, and I turn towards Lou. Leaning over the console, I move towards her. “Harry, what are yo..” She begins, but I cut her off when my lips are suddenly interlaced with hers. Lost in her energy, I put my right hand on her cheek, running my thumb over her face. Moving my left hand to her hair, I pull her closer to me, treasuring Lou in her entirety. Finally pulling away from her, I keep my forehead against hers, catching my breath. “Now we can go home” I say, sitting back into my seat. As I start the car and pull it into park, I can’t get the enormous smile plastered on my face to go away. As we pull up to the stop light, I glance over at Louise, noticing the subtle smile on her lips. When the light turns green, I press on the gas, sending us further down the road to her house. As I turn the corner to her road, Lou reaches across and sets her hand on mine on the center console, intertwining her hand with mine. Neither of us attempt to hold back our smiles. As I pull into her driveway, she leans across the console again and plants another small kiss on my cheek, warming my very soul with her touch. “See you soon” she says, hopping out of my truck and grabbing her skateboard from the floor. “See ya” I say back to her, flashing my teeth in a smile as she closes the door and walks inside, leaving my mind racing over the thought of her.