Chapter Two

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  Me and Mono sneak forward and pass some boxes. The ripping sound gets louder. I see a shadow and I look towards the source. I clamp my mouth shut so I don't scream. A huge thing is standing at a table ripping apart a animal's pelt. Me and Mono sneak behind it still holding hands. We reach a wall on the other side and I wonder how to get out. I press my hand against a part of the wall and it moves some.

A way out maybe.

  I start pushing against it and Mono helps. The wall moves with a loud creak and I hear a startled grunt behind us. Me and Mono tumble down a hill of what looks like organs. I get up as a door flies open and I hear a loud gunshot. A fence explodes beside me and Mono. I run behind a box and Mono follows. The monster must of seen us because our box explodes when a bullet hits it. We run to another box and the same thing happens. I see one more box and as I run towards it I scan the environment. I don't see anything we could use as cover.

  We duck behind the last box and soon enough it explodes. Me and Mono run away and suddenly I fall down. I had ran off a small drop-off. I quickly run under the small outcropping and Mono follows. We hide in the shadows as the monster walks up and searches for us with it's lantern.

Please don't look in here.

  It walks forward and I sigh with relief. Monos sneaks forward and I follow him. He holds out his hand and I realize he wants me to hold it. I take his hand and we sneak forward into the tall grass as the monster looks around. A crow flies up and the light shines right where we are. I stop moving and the light goes away. We continue forward stopping when the light hits us. The thing follows us even though it can't see us. The tall grass ends up ahead but I see a hole we might be able to hide in.

  I let go of Mono's hand and point to the hole. I make a running motion with my fingers. He nods understanding and I wait for the monster to move its light far away from us. I dash forward and jump into the hole. I move out of the way as Mono jumps in. He crawls over to me as the light shines into the hole. The monster shoves it's shotgun into the hole and shots dirt. It's loud.

It's hunting us, maybe I should call it the Hunter.

  We crawl through the tunnel and I see some light from the moon up ahead. I push through some roots and emerge out of the hole. Mono follows me. "That monster was hunting us like prey." I say to him. "So I'm going to call him the Hunter." Mono shrugs. "Why name something that's trying to kill you?"

He has a point.

  "Yeah well its better then just calling it a monster." "But it is one." I give up and walk over to a broken bridge. Mono goes over to the gap and looks over the side. "Long way down, hope you have a plan on how to get across." He calls over to me. "Yeah, it's call take a leap of faith!" I call over sarcastically. I see a piece of rope with a stick tied to it connected to the bridge. I pull on the rope. "Anything?" I call over. "Yeah, part of the bridge is rising. Keep it up!" I pull on the rope until I can't pull anymore. Mono takes a few steps back and runs across the bridge jumping to the other side.

  I let go of the rope and fall to the ground. Mono is at the other side looking around. "Hey! Can I get some help?" I call over. Mono turns and jogs over to the edge of the bridge. He grabs a support beam and outstretchs his hand. "I'll catch you!" He calls. I run towards him and jump across the gap. I reach out and grab his hand. He pulls me up and I'm grateful that he caught me. We walk past some piled up cages and I see some light shining through some trees.

Maybe it's the Hunter.

  I see a drop off up ahead and I go over to it. Looking towards the light I see it is the Hunter. I sigh. I jump down with Mono and run towards a box. I duck behind it as a crow flies away alerting the Hunter. The box explodes and Mono runs towards a ladder made of boards. He starts climbing up and I hear the Hunter load it's gun. I stay hidden behind the box beside me until it explodes. I start climbing and hide behind a tv. That gets shot and I climb the rest of the way up into the shed. I run across a board towards Mono but it breaks. Mono grabs my hand and pulls me up as the Hunter busts through the door and shoots the floor beside us.

  We run across the roof dodging around holes and shotgun blasts. Mono jumps through a window and I follow him. We slide down a roof and land in some sludge. I come up gasping for air. The door behind us is get hit by the Hunter and we wade under a dock as it busts through the door. It looks around before walking across the dock and out of sight. Me and Mono wade forward and have to go under the sludge to get past some boards in our way. We continue forward and I hope at some point we can wash off this disgusting sludge. We wade behind a tree stump and I see the lantern light reflect off of the sludge. I wade forward and duck under the sludge as I see the light coming.

  I come back up for air behind another tree stump. Mono is right behind me. I hear the steps of the Hunter as it walks away. We wade forward some more and I see a huge gap from the land we're hiding behind now to some more land. It's to far to cross without cover. I see a broken tree and it looks like me and Mono could push it down to hide behind. I turn to Mono. "We can push that tree to hide behind it." I whisper to him. He nods and we climb up onto the land. We go over to the tree and I see a lover's heart carved into it.

  We push the tree down gaining the Hunter's attention. We jump into the sludge before it can shoot us. Me and Mono wade forward to the end of the tree. I duck under the sludge and wade forward. I come up for air thankfully out of sight. I climb up onto some land and see Mono come up for air where I did. I reach out a hand and help him up onto land. "Thanks." He murmurs. We climb up a broken bridge scaring off crows. We walk on our little platform of safety until we reach a drop off.

  I see multiple boxes and a shed. I jump down from our little land of safety and run towards the first box. I scare some crows as I run past them gaining the Hunter's attention. I duck behind the box and he shoots it. Me and Mono run towards the next box hiding behind it until it gets shot. We then run into the shed. I fall to the floor as Mono closes the door. He latches it and points above us. I see a shotgun on the wall with a crate under it. I run over to it and jump up pulling it off the wall.

Please have a bullet.

  Mono picks up the barrel of the gan and I pick up the part with the trigger. I load the shotgun as the Hunter busts through the door. I pull the trigger and there's a flash from the barrel and a loud bang. Me and Mono get thrown back. My ears are ringing. I sit up shaking my head. Mono does the same. Soon the ringing fades and I see a window that was boarded up before is now open. We climb up the crate i used to get the shotgun and climb through the window. We jump down onto some sand. And I see a ocean in front of us.

  Mono goes over to a door and starts pushing it. "A little help Six." He calls. I help him push the door into the water and we climb onto it. We drift away from the woods towards the unknown.


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