Chapter Eight

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  I hide under the table and I hear grow squishing sounds above me.

What is she doing?

  She walks over to a table across the room and I see another table I can hide under. I sneak over to it and hide under it right as she turns her head completely around like a disgusting owl woman. She grabs a knife and then walks into the next room. I crawl out from under the table and slowly walk forward following her. I walk into what looks like a science room with all the jars filled with stuff. The Teacher starts doing something and I look for a way out. I see a window i could jump through if I could get onto the table in front of it.

  I realize I have to climb up onto the desk the Teacher is working at to get to the table I need. I climb up some shelfs and hide behind some books and jars. I see her grab what looks like a liver and start stuffing it into a mannequin. I sneak past her and sneak behind some jars right beside her. She goes to do something else and I sneak across the rest of the desk and hide behind some more jars. I watch her walk over to the chalkboard and start writing. I see I have to jump to the other table. I jump across and hide behind some jars hoping she didn't hear me.

  I stay hidden behind a jar with another brain in it as the Teacher walks over to a counter. She starts getting stuff out of cabinets and I quickly go over behind some books at the edge of the table. The Teacher starts doing something on the counter and I jump over to the window and pull myself through. I fall down onto the floor barely making a sound and I hear the Teacher's footsteps walk away. I walk over to a bookshelf and climb up it into a vent. I sigh when I'm safly inside the vent.

Let's hope I don't have to do that again.

  I crawl through the vent ready to face whatever is next. And hopefully save Mono. I fall down a shaft in the vent and continue crawling forward. I push through a vent cover and I see a kid drawing on the floor. I see a hammer near me and I pick up the handle. I drag it behind me as I sneak behind the kid. I see a raised floorboard and quickly dart around a overturned desk in my way setting off the trap and killing the kid. Another one runs at me and I quickly heave the hammer over my shoulder smashing his head. A girl runs at me and I quickly smash her head.

  They all deserve to die for taking my Mono. I start walking down a hallway lined with lockers and at the end of it a girl jumps down and I quickly smash her head. I hear another one jump down behind me and turn around smashing his head. I turnndown another hallway and as I walk past a locker the door bangs open. I turn around and smash in a kid's head.

I'm sick of these kids.

  Another one comes running up behind me and I turn quickly smashing his head too. I walk forward and I see a raised floorboard in front of a doorway.

Not right now.

  I step on the floorboard and when the bucket swings past I run inside dragging the hammer behind me. I see two students taunting a strung up Mono. I run over to the first kid and smash his head. I quickly smash the other's head and I see they tied the string holding up Mono to a board. I look up t him and he's either passed out or dead.


  I hit the board once and it splinters, I hit it again and it breaks. Mono falls to the ground and I drop the hammer rushing over to him. "Mono?!" I say a I crouch next to him. I tap his shoulder lightly and he jerks awake. He sits up a little dazed and looks around. He looks up at me and I smile at him. I hold out my hand and he takes it. I help him up supporting him when he stumbles. "You okay?" I ask. He nods. After he gets his bearings he looks around.

  "Did you kill those things and save me?" He asks. I nod, I don't mention that I only did it for him. He smiles at me. "Thanks." "No problem." We go over to a cupboard under a window and climb up it. We push open the window and I see a board in front of us. I quickly balance across itand wait on the other side for Mono. We crawl through the next window into a room with a piano. I see a crank on the far end of the room and with nowhere else to go I head over to it. I start turning the crank and the piano starts lifting.

  As the piano lifts I see the floorboards under it aren't in that good of shape. Suddenly the rope snaps and the piano falls down. Instead of landing on the floorboards it partially breaks through them. I turn to Mono who starts climbing onto the piano. I follow him and he starts jumping on the piano. I do the same and soon the piano falls through the floorboards. I get knocked to the side off of the piano and hit the floor hard.

  I groan as I sit up. Mono runs to me but I wave him off. "I'm fine. I'm glad it was me and not you." He smiles. I look around and I see a door with a lock on it.

Great, we need another key.

  I see a kid behind a fence tearing apart a frog with a key.

Great, another kid.

  I see a window and I have Mono boost me up through it. I jump down onto some trash and hide behind some boards. I see a pipe behind the kid but there's no way I can get it without the kid seeing me. Suddenly loud annoying sounds fill my ears. The kid runs to the fence and I quickly grab the pipe and run up behind them busting their head apart. I see Mono had gotten onto the piano and played the broken keys. I smile as I pick up the key inbeded into the frog.

  Mono comes over to the gate. "Come on, help me lift it please." I say. We lift it together and I crawl through the small opening. "You know, you really require me for some parts of the journey." Says Mono. "Yeah, alot of parts." I mutter as I go over to the door. I unlock it and grab Mono's hand. We walk through the door together ready to face whatever is next.

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