Chapter Thirteen

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  I pick up a bar of soap and throw it at the button. A loud buzz sounds and I wince. I walk into the room with the mannequin and I see a door with a window. The mannequin is sitting in a wheelchair that I could us to get to the window. I get an idea. I run back into the shower room and pull the lever turning of the lights. I pull out my flashlight and point it at the floor. I walk into the other room and I hear the mannequin get up. I shine my light on it and it freezes. I back away from it and when I pass the doorway I turn and run towards the lever.

  I jump up and pull it down turning the lights back on. The mannequin freezes behind me and I sigh.

Thank God that worked.

  I walk around the mannequin and go into the room. I push the wheelchair towards the door and jump up into the seat. I then jump up grabbing the sill of the window and pulling myself through. I fall down into a dark room and stand up. I see shapes in the darkness and sigh. "Here we go again." I mutter as I turn on my flashlight. I run forward and when a mannequin moves I swing my light on it briefly before pointing it at the next one. I see some boards with and opening up ahead and I run towards that.

  I slip on the floor and fall. I quickly turn pointing the flashlight at all the mannequins reaching for me.

Damn that's alot.

  I keep my light on them as I stand up. I quickly turn and slide under the boards into the next room. I see the mannequins reach through the boards but they freeze in the light. I sigh with relief and see I'm in the room with the electric chair. I see a lever on the wall that's connected to the battery. I climb up onto a stool and pull the lever. The lights flash and sparks fly. The battery shoots out of it's slot and I pick it up gleefully. I run towards the bars carrying the battery.

  "Mono!" He turns around. "Six! I'm so glad you're alive!" I see a shoot and toss the battery into it. Mono climbs up onto a bucket and grabs a handle. The shoots moves and the battery flies out. He picks it up and goes over to the slot for the battery. He puts it in and the door buzzes while opening. I run through and embrace Mono in a hug. He hugs me back and while hugging him everything wrong with this world melts away. My fatigue catches up with me and I slump in Mono's embrace. "Are you tired Six?" I nod and suddenly Mono picks me up.

  He carries me over to a chair in the hallway and puts me up on it. He climbs up next to me and hugs me as I fall asleep.

  I wake up feeling refreshed and look over my shoulder at Mono. He's still asleep but a gentle shake from me wakes him up. We jump down from the chair and I grab the battery pulling it out of the slot. The door to the room with the chair closes with a loud buzz and we walk away. As we emerge onto the floor with elevator Mono goes and gets the other battery. Another buzz sounds and the door closes behind me. We walk over to the elevator and put the batteries into the slot.

  I hear the elevator power up and I go over to the lever and pull on it. The doors open and I grab Mono's hand as I walk into the elevator. The doors close and we go down. The elevator stops and the doors open to reveal a dark hallway. I click on my flashlight and hope there are no more mannequins. We walk past some gurneies and turn to the left. Me and Mono walk past some shelves with mannequin parts and a dead mannequin on the floor. We come across a door with a cloth tied to the window and I climb up that with Mono following behind me.

  We jump down into a room with more mannequin parts. As I walk forward I see a pipe on the ground and a boarded up door.

Please let the pipe be only for the boards, please.

  I pick up the pipe and I here banging. I see a door on a shelf is shaking and a stick holding it shut slides away. Mono quickly runs over to it and tries to hold it closed. A hand scuttles out and he lets out a cry of surprise. I swing the pipe at the hand and it jumps back, as it recovers I hit it with the pipe making it's bones crunch. Mono smiles at me and I smile back.

  The hand scuttles out of the darkness and I swing at it again making it jump back. I hit it and it crawls away again.

One more hit.

Suddenly another hit from behind to door Mono's holding shut sends him to the floor. He quickly gets up and runs over to the boarded off door as a hand pushes down the door and jumps out. Both hands rush towards me and I swing my pipe causing both of them to jump back. I hit the one killing it and hit to other one. A board flies past me and I see Mono working on opening the door.

  The hand scuttles out again and I swing at it making it jump back before hitting it. Another board hits the floor and I see Mono struggling with the last one. The hand scuttles towards me again and I swing at it one last time. It jumps back and I hit it with the pipe as hard as I can. It dies and I drop the pipe jogging over to Mono and helping him with the board. It releases from the door and I grab his hand before walking through.

  We walk past a table and wall filled with skin masks. I feel uneasy but it's not as bad as the tub full of organs. We walk through a doorway into another room. I see some shelves moving up ahead and me and Mono sneak forward. We crawl under a shelf and I see a fat bulbous shape crawling on the ceiling. The shape grabs onto two shelves and looks down at the floor. I shudder. The monster is disgusting. It's upper lip is pulled back from its teeth and it has small eyes barely peeking through the fat folds on it's face.

  I turn to Mono and see he's glaring at the monster. I don't blame him. The monster is ugly and will most likely want to kill us.

Great, another monster, more running. Glad I took a nap earlier.

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