Chapter Nineteen

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  I break out of a tv and fall down onto a mattress below me. It knocks the wind out of me when I hit the ground, I stand up brushing myself off and look around. There's a climable bookshelf behind me, I could use it to reach the second floor. I quickly start climbing it, I need to save Mono so we can get out of this world together. The other Mono can perish here alone. I climb up onto a chair that was on top of the bookshelf and I see I can't reach the ledge of the floor above me.

  I climb up onto one of the arms of the chair before jumping over to the edge of the floor and pulling myself up. I breathe a sigh of relief while looking around, I see another tv I could possibly teleport through. I go over to it and place my hands against the screen, I feel myself get pulled into the tv before I fall out of another one. Rain hits the hood of my jacket as I hit the cold concrete.

  I groan before standing up and looking to see where I am. I'm on a ledge with a pully system connected to the tv. The pully goes across a gap and over to a roof I could get to if I teleport through the tv again. I go over to the pully system and move the tv all the way across, making sure that when I teleport I'll make it onto the roof.

  I see a door I could open if I use the pike of trash in front of it like a ramp. I run up the trash and jump up, grabbing onto the door handle. I expect it to sign open like usual but instead it falls down. I shake my head and run over to the tv I used before. I teleport through it and thankfully I land on the roof across the gap.

  I climb a ladder that's in the wall next to me and I climb into a room with just a couch. I see another hole in the other wall of the room and jump through it landing on another roof. I jump down onto a lower roof and quickly cross a partially broken board to another roof. I then jump up onto an air conditioner unit and walk across the pipe connected to that. I turn a corner and reach a gap with a hook swinging in the middle of it. I could use that to swing to the other side of the gap and continue.

  I jump towards the hook and grab onto it for life. I swing back before letting go of the hook and landing on the air conditioner unit on the other side. I walk across the pipe and reach a air conditioner unit in my way. I climb over it and walk across a board on the other side that's leading to a window. I jump through and land on a small ledge that's left of a floor. Below me I see a armchair and a tv. I also see a tv across the gap and decide I can use the tv below me to teleport to the other side.

  I see a ladder and I use that to get down to the floor below me. After climbing down the ladder I run over to the tv to see that it's turned off. I look around for something to turn it on with but I don't see anything. Suddenly the tv turns on and I see Mono standing behind the glass holding a remote in his hand. "Were you looking for this?" He asks in a sickly sweet voice. "GIVE ME THAT!" I scream at him, all he does is shrug. "You know, without this remote you can't get to your precious Mono." I bang my fist against the glass trying to hurt him in some way.

  "GIVE ME THE STUPID REMOTE!" I scream again. Mono sigh and gives a smirk. "I like playing with you, but I'm bored now. Here have your precious remote." He shoves it through the tv screen and I quickly pick it up. "I'm going to go play with Mono now." I quickly stand up and place my hands against the tv. "DON'T YOU DARE HURT HIM!" Again he shrugs. "I can do whatever I want." He gives a little wave before the tv clicks off and I'm alone again.

  I feel hot tears of rage pour down my cheeks.

What did I ever do to him?

  I ignore the question bouncing around in my head and I use the remote to turn on the TV in front of me. Just static. I use the tv to teleport to the one across the gap and I walk through the doorway next to it. I enter a area with alot of packages and letters around.

I must be in a post office.

  I see a small gap in the floor with a vent in it. The vent could lead somewhere important, so I jump down into the gap and crawl into the vent. When I come out the other side I see I'm in a room with a big hole in the floor above. I see a tv i could turn on to get out of here and I see cart full of packages I could pull under the gap to cross it.

  I run over to the cart and start pulling it under the gap. Hopefully I'm getting closer to Mono, who knows were the bad Mono took him. When I think I put the cart in the right place I go over to the tv, turn it on, and teleport through it. I fall out of a tv that was piled up with all the packages in the room I was in before. Looking around I see a light hanging above the gap, I could use it to swing across the gap and get other the other side.

  I run over to the light and jump up grabbing onto the grate under the light bulb. I swing across the gap and continue forward. I walk into a room with a chair and a desk wall thing. I use the chair to climb over the desk and I arrive in the room with the cart below. I go to the edge of the gap and jump onto the cart of packages before jumping to the other side of the gap. I climb some packages piled up under a hole in the wall and I see a hanger I could use a zip line. I grab onto the hanger and pray for my life.

  "Here goes nothing."

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