Chapter Four

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  I see the dumpster in front of the fence may be movable with Mono's help. "Hey Mono, help please?" "You're really reliant on me aren't you?" He asks with a smug tone. "Oh be quite and help me move this dumpster." He shrugs and pushes the dumpster with me. We reveal a hole in the fence and I quietly celebrate. "Ok Miss Know-it-all, how'd you know there was a hole there?" I smile smugly at him. "You said it, I'm Miss Know-it-all." He chuckles quietly. "You're a bit weird Six. Funny, but weird." "The whole world is weird." "You got a point." He admits. We crawl through the fence and into a playground like area.


  I see some tied up bedsheets leading to a window and figure that will be our way in. "Hey Mono-" I turn to tell him about the bedsheets but he's not near me. I panic as I search for him. I finally spot him sitting on a swing. He's looking at a crack in the ground and he looks sad. I walk over to him. "Mono, are you okay?" He looks up at me. "Why did you save me from that monster? You could've left me behind and let him kill me or whatever. But you saved me." I smile at him. "Well one, I don't like leaving people behind. And two, you're intriguing." He gives a small smile. "Okay." "Now, come on, I found a way into this scary building." He nods and stands up from the swing.

  We go over to the window with the bedsheets and start to climb up. We crawl through the window at the top and as I look up across the hall I see a creepy picture of a woman. "Ah!" I back up and run straight into Mono. "Ow!" I turn to him. "Sorry, I got startled by that picture." I say pointing. He looks at the picture and grimaces. "Ugly woman." He mutters. I laugh a little. We walk over to the picture and I see that actually her eyes are cut out. I see a switch on the wall and pull it down. The lights go out and I turn to Mono and see he's standing in a spotlight. There's another spotlight behind him.

What the-?

  I turn to see there's light spilling from the creepy women's picture, more creepily her eyes. I shudder and pull the lever turning the lights back on. "Okay, there's light coming from the creepy picture, so I think there's a way into another part of the building behind it." I explain to Mono. He nods. "I saw a hallway leading to a room." He says. He leads me down the hallway he saw and into a room. It has bunkbeds and toys in it. I grab the first thing I see which is a tin can. Mono picks up a ball and we walk back out. We go over to the picture and I aim before throwing my tin can. It hits the bottom of the picture frame.

  The frame crashes to the ground and reveals a hole in the wall. I go over to it and crawl through the hole. What I see sickens me. There's a chair with rope around it, tally marks on the wall, a box  with a saw, pliers and other stuff in it, but most disgusting thing in that room is the pair of white underwear that isn't really white anymore. I grimace and back away from all the stuff. As I step on a floorboard it creaks under my foot and I look down. The floor has shifted under my foot. "What has happened in here?" Asks Mono as he crawls through the hole. "I have no clue, and I don't want to know anyways." I mutter.

  He laughs bitterly. "Probably not." I wave him over and show him how the floor shifts under my foot. He nods and starts jumping on the floor. I start jumping with him and after a couple jumps the floor falls in. We land into a crawl space under the floor and I see a bunch of junk from the light above. I grab Mono's hand and we crawl forward. We come to an area where we can stand and I gladly do so.

My back is going to hurt after all this crawling.

  I let go of Mono's hand to squeeze through some boards in front of us. He follows behind me. We walk forward only for me to fall from our platform down to another wooden platform. My face smacks the wood and I groan. Mono jumps down beside me and turns my face to look at him. His thumb runs over a spot on my cheek and I flinch. It hurts. "You have a small cut but you should be ok." He whispers to me. I nod and stand up. I see that we have to jump down again and I do it this time without hurting myself. I turn and see a vent with a covering on it. I wave Mono over and we pull it off together.

  The covering flies over our head and lands behind us with a couple bangs. I crawl into the vent with Mono following behind me. I see an opening up ahead and jump down to the floor.

We went down but ended up at ceiling height?

  That confuses me. Mono jumps down and I hear a growling sound behind us.

Please don't be a monster right behind us. Please don't be a monster right behind us.

  I turn and thankfully there's no monster behind us. Me and Mono crawl over a locker and I can see the shadow of something retracting it's neck.


  The door closes and me and Mono continue forward. We walk past some lockers and a duck in a hanging bucket.


  We walk through a doorway and something catches my attention. A floorboard slightly raised up with a ball behind it. I go over to it and ignoring the ball I step on the floorboard. Something makes a clicking sound and a bucket swings past me creating a small breeze. Mono stares at me his mouth hanging open.

Ok, we're in what seems to be a school filled with traps and something with a retractable neck. Yup. This DEFINITELY WON'T kill us.

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